Corresponding Membership
ISTSS extends Corresponding Membership to individuals that reside in an African country, China, Hong Kong, India, Macau/Macao, Puerto Rico and Taiwan.
ISTSS Corresponding Membership is extended to individuals who pay ISTSS affiliate society dues (ACET, ASTSS, CPA TSS, DeGPT, ESTSS, JSTSS, KSTSS and SAPsi).
Corresponding Members receive access to the membership directory on the ISTSS website, will receive relevant broadcast email announcements and reminders, have access to the StressPoints eNewsletter, can participate as a member of ISTSS Committees and Special Interest Groups (SIGs), are eligible to nominate themselves or others for ISTSS grants and awards; are eligible to receive ISTSS grants and awards and the opportunity to submit names of ISTSS Regular Members for consideration by the Nominations Committee to stand for election to the Board of Directors.
Help ISTSS promote this opportunity. Forward this flyer or direct colleagues or organizations that have affiliations in African countries, and could benefit from this program, to the ISTSS website.
New York: Brunner/Mazel.