SIG-Endorsed Sessions & SIG Meetings
The ISTSS 39th Annual Meeting is a unique opportunity to get involved with ISTSS Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Check out the sessions below recommended by some of our SIGs and annual meeting chairs, and see what our SIGs are all about by attending some of the SIG meetings happening at the annual meeting.
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SIG-Endorsed Sessions
Click on the session titles below to view the details for each session. In addition to the meeting highlights and SIG events below, we have devoted a separate page on Featured Sessions on War and Disasters. To view the full program, please visit our program page —or, if you have registered for the annual meeting, download the app.
Assessment and Diagnosis Track
- Flash Talk: Psychometric Evaluation of a Dimensional Traumatic Stress Phenotype (Recommended by the Genomics and Trauma SIG)
- Flash Talk: Emotional Suppression and PTSD in Marginalized Groups (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Diversity SIG)
Biology and Medical Track
- Symposium: Traumatic Stress and Aging-related Health in Women: A Biopsychosocial Lens (Recommended by the Annual Meeting Chairs)
- Symposium: Novel Approaches for Predicting and Treating PTSD - Insights from Memory, Sleep, and Digital Features in Experimental and Clinical Settings (Recommended by the Sleep Disorders and Traumatic Stress SIG)
- Panel Presentation: Stepping into the Future with Development of Precision Medicine Based Therapeutics for PTSD: Introducing the DOD Platform for PTSD Launching 2023 (Recommended by the Genomics and Trauma SIG)
- Flash Talk: Tonic Immobility and Posttraumatic Stress: Relative Prevalence, Severity, and Impact on Sexual Assault Survivors Identifying as LGBTQ+ (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Diversity SIG)
- Flash Talk: Changes in Sleep Quality and Bodily Pain among Adults with Provisional Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Recommended by the Sleep Disorders and Traumatic Stress SIG)
- Flash Talk: Testing Sex Effects in a National Swedish Twin-Sibling Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Recommended by the Genomics and Trauma SIG)
- Flash Talk: The Influence of APOE e4, PTSD, TBI, and Subjective Cognitive Impairment on Risk for Dementia in Older Veterans (Recommended by the Genomics and Trauma SIG)
Child and Adolescent Trauma Track
- Symposium: Improving Equitable Access to Mental Health Services through Recognizing and Addressing Trauma Among Youth Across Systems (Recommended by the Annual Meeting Chairs)
- Symposium: Innovative Strategies for Addressing Traumatic Experiences Among Racially Diverse Youth (Recommended by the Annual Meeting Chairs)
- Symposium: Examining Faculty Awareness and Cultural Engagement (FACE) of BIPOC and LGBTQIAP+ Students with Lived Traumatic Experience (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Diversity SIG)
Clinical Interventions Track
- Symposium: Enhancing PTSD Treatment Outcomes Across the Spectrum of Substance Use Disorders (Recommended by the Trauma and Substance Use Disorders SIG)
- Symposium: Leveraging Findings from PTSD EBPs for Treatment Decision-Making in Patients with Comorbidities - An Interactive Discussion of State of the Literature and Clinical Applications (Recommended by the Trauma and Substance Use Disorders SIG)
- Symposium: Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD - Opening the Doors of Perception Recommended by the Psychodynamic Research and Practice SIG)
- Symposium: Sleep and Trauma - Novel Insights into Assessment, Mechanisms, and Interventions (Recommended by the Sleep Disorders and Traumatic Stress SIG)
- Symposium: Innovations in PTSD Treatment for Military Personnel and Veterans (Recommended by the Military SIG)
- Symposium: Scaling to the Individual - PTSD Treatment for Veterans and Active Duty Service Members with Minoritized Identities and Comorbid Presentations (Recommended by the Military SIG and the Sexual Orientation and Diversity SIG)
- Symposium: The Promise of Personalized Treatment for PTSD (Recommended by the Research Methodologies SIG)
- Pre-Meeting Institute: A Functional Approach to Repairing Moral Injury and Traumatic Loss in Context: Evidence, Change Agents, Clinical Strategies, and Lessons Learned (Recommended by the Moral Injury SIG)
Mass Violence and Migration Track
- Workshop: Mass Trauma Resilience Open Science Data Sharing Solutions Technology (Recommended by the Research Methodologies SIG)
Mode, Method, and Ethics Track
- Panel Presentation: Moving PTSD Treatment Research Forward - What Meta-Analysis Can and Cannot Do (Recommended by the Research Methodologies SIG)
Professionals Track
- Symposium: Advancing Understanding of the Prevalence, Phenomenology, and Treatment of Moral Injury Across Populations (Recommended by the Moral Injury SIG)
- Workshop: Exploring the Mental Health Continuum of Care: Facilitating PTSD Best Practices with Complex Presentations and Diagnostic Comorbidites (Recommended by the Annual Meeting Chairs)
Public Health Track
- Symposium: Using National Registries and Electronic Health Record Data to Study Post-Traumatic Psychopathology (Recommended by the Annual Meeting Chairs)
- Symposium: Advancing Mental Health Equity for Veterans by Understanding the Impact of Social Determinants of Health and Veteran Needs for Care (Recommended by the Military SIG)
- Symposium: Trauma Exposure, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Their Link to Cognitive Aging and Dementia: Taking a Closer Look at the Bidirectional Relationship (Recommended by the Genomics and Traumatic Stress SIG)
- Symposium: Today's Trauma, Tomorrow's Threats: Behavioral Sequelae and Biological Markers of Post-exposure Psychopathology in Three Longitudinal Cohorts (Recommended by the Genomics and Traumatic Stress SIG)
- Symposium: Sequelae of Sexual Violence and Stigma among Biosexual+ Adults (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Diversity SIG)
Poster Presentations
- The Influence of Race-Related Stress on Probable Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorders among BIPOC Survivors of Sexual Assault (Recommended by the Trauma and Substance Use Disorders SIG)
- Everyday Discrimination, LGBT+ Community Connectedness, and Alcohol Use Among Sexual Minority Emerging Adults (Recommended by the Trauma and Substance Use Disorders SIG)
- Disentangling Causality and Familial Confounding in the Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychiatric Disorders (Recommended by the Genomics and Trauma SIG)
- A Test of Three Etiological Hypotheses Explaining the Co-Occurrence of Traumatic Events and Alcohol Use During Adolescence (Recommended by the Genomics and Trauma SIG)
- Characterizing Potential Chronic Brain Health Effects of Concussion and Repetitive Head Impact Exposure: The CARE-SALTOS Integrated Study (CSIS) (Recommended by the Genomics and Trauma SIG)
- Epigenetic Signatures Linked to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) in Active Duty Personnel Exposed to War Zones (Recommended by the Genomics and Trauma SIG)
- The Clinical Utility of a Syndrome Conceptualization of Moral Injury: Results of a Pilot Study and Directions for Future Research (Recommended by the Moral Injury SIG)
- A Convergent Mixed-Method Design to Study the Impact of IPV and Coping Mechanisms Among LGBTQ+ Adults from Spain (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity SIG)
- Understanding how Identity-Based Harassment and Discrimination during Military Service Impact Experiences of Veteran Care: A Pilot Study (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity SIG)
- Multiple Minoritized Identities, Sexual Identity Minority Stress, and Distress in a Sample of LGBQ+ University Students (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity SIG)
- Pathways between PTSD/cPTSD and Depression in LGBTQ+ Adults from Spain: Understanding Comorbidity with Network Analysis (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity SIG)
- Everyday Discrimination, LGBT+ Community Connectedness, and Alcohol Use among Sexual Minority Emerging Adults (Recommended by the Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity SIG)
Aging, Trauma, and the Lifecourse: Saturday, November 4th from 12:45-1:45PM; Emerald Bay
Child Trauma: Saturday, November 4th from 12:45-1:45PM; San Gabriel A/B
Complex Trauma: Friday, November 3rd from 12:45-1:45PM; Location TBD
Lifestyle Interventions for Traumatic Stress (LIFTS): Friday, November 3rd from 12:45-1:45PM; Santa Anita A/B/C
Military: Friday, November 3rd from 12:45-1:45PM; Avalon Room
Moral Injury: Thursday, November 2nd from 12:45-1:45PM; Avalon Room
Psychodynamic Research and Practice: Friday, November 3rd from 12:45-1:45PM; Location TBD
Research Methodology: Friday, November 3rd from 12:45-1:45PM; Santa Monica
Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity: Saturday, November 4th from 12:45-1:45PM; Avalon
Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity Social Hour: Friday, November 3rd from 7:00-8:00PM; Beaudry B (You do not need to be a SIG member to attend; no RSVP or registration required)
Sleep Disorders and Traumatic Stress: Thursday, November 2nd from 12:45-1:45PM; Beaudry A
Theoretical Concepts and Mechanisms of Traumatic Stress: Friday, November 3rd from 12:45-1:45PM; San Jose/San Francisco/Sacramento Ballroom
Trauma, Health, and Primary Care: Friday, November 3rd from 12:45-1:45PM; Emerald Bay Room
Trauma and Substance Use Disorders: Thursday, November 2nd from 12:45-1:45PM; Santa Anita A/B/C