Submit A Blog Post
ISTSS promotes excellence in research, clinical practice, training, and public health related to experiences of traumatic stress. The purpose of the ISTSS Trauma Blog is to provide an outlet for dissemination of new and relevant knowledge that is grounded in science, relevant to public health or clinical practice, and delivered in a manner that is coherent, conversational, and transparent.
To submit a blog piece for possible inclusion in the ISTSS Trauma Blog, complete this form and send it along with any corresponding files to Damion Grasso, Ph.D. Please copy the website editor, Carrie Yeager, Ph.D., and title the email "ISTSS Trauma Blog Submission (your last name)."
For blog posts of a JOTS article, please submit the blog post when your article becomes available online.
You will need:
- Title*
- We recommend brief titles no longer than 10 words
- We recommend the title be different from the title of the primary source - but it is not required.
- Main Body*
- Allow yourself to write in a casual, more conversational tone
- Refer to the newest edition of APA Style for citations and grammar
- Keep the length reasonable (500-750 words recommended)
- Aim for short paragraphs
- Inclusion of bullets to summarize or list points is encouraged
- You are encouraged to include hyperlinks in the text if applicable—Please do so in the form using the MS Word tool for inserting hyperlinks
- If tables/figures are included in the main body, please indicate placement by using INSERT TABLE X/FIGURE X HERE on its own line in the form
- Tables/Figures in Body
- If tables/figures are included, they must be submitted as separate files saved as JPGs (do not embed Word tables or figures directly into the text)
- To be optimally displayed, JPGs should be between 1200 and 2500 pixels wide
- Reference/Target Article**
- Provide the reference to the article using APA style
- Insert the hyperlink (using MS Word in the form) to the journal page that features the article abstract
- If the article has not yet been released online prior to the submission of the blog post, the hyperlink can be inserted afterward
- Blog pieces summarizing or commenting on a reference/target article are not published until the reference article is published and available online. The blog author should notify the blog editor when the article is published online and provide the hyperlink before the blog piece can be published.
- Discussion Questions*
- Provide 3-4 questions in bulleted form that serve to generate further discussion about the blog piece
- These are used both to generate commentary on social media as well as when blog pieces are used in journal clubs or teaching
- About the Author(s)*
- Each author should appear in their own paragraph
- Author names should be bolder, with any corresponding credentials after the name (e.g., PhD, PsyD, MD, LCSW, etc.)
- Provide 2-4 sentences about the author that may include information about training, current employment, participation in organization committees, etc.
- If the author(s) wish to encourage readers to contact them, provide a brief sentence at the end of the paragraph with that instruction (e.g., “Dr. Smith can be contacted at
- Authors are encouraged to provide their Twitter handles should readers choose to follow
- If the authors wish to include a headshot to include by their name (this is encouraged), provide a separate JPG file labeled with the author's first and last name
- References Cited**
- References should be formatted according to the newest edition of the APA style manual
- If reference software is used, please remove links
- Hyperlinks to article abstracts are optional and should link to the journal page that features the article abstract
- Featured Image*
- This is an image that will be featured alongside the blog piece on the website and used in social media
- The image must come from Adobe Stock Images. The blog editor will pay for and download the image; however, authors are asked to provide up to three image IDs for possible inclusion. Visit to search for images.
- These must be downloadable as JPG files
- Photos are preferred over graphical images (e.g., word graphics)
- Images should be in horizontal format
- Twitter Handles
- Twitter handles are used when sharing the blog post
- Authors are encouraged to provide their personal Twitter handles, affiliation and lab handles, and other handles that are pertinent to the piece
- Hashtags
- Hashtags are essentially keywords that are included in social media posts to increase visibility
- Please provide up to five hashtags that are relevant to your blog piece (e.g., #ptsd)
**required if applicable