I want to thank ISTSS President Ananda Amstadter for her lovely president’s column this month focused on my last 20-plus years working with ISTSS. I also want to acknowledge the kind and generous comments from several of the ISTSS past presidents with whom I have been fortunate to collaborate in my tenure at ISTSS’s executive director.  
I would like to recognize the contributions of thousands of ISTSS members who have volunteered to serve ISTSS over the last 20-plus years as members of the ISTSS board and committees, reviewers of annual meeting abstracts and Journal of Traumatic Stress (JTS) articles, contributors of content to ISTSS as presenters at the annual meeting and webinars, and as authors of content that has appeared on the ISTSS website, in JTS and StressPoints, in the various editions of Effective Treatments for PTSD, and in other publications and content disseminated by ISTSS. If it were not for your contribution, there would be no expert knowledge for ISTSS to share and no means to share it.
I want to extend my appreciation to the many colleagues who have served on the ISTSS staff over the last 20-plus years at both the Kellen Company and, previously, at the Sherwood Group, ISTSS’s association management companies. I have been very gratified for the support I have received from a large group of talented and committed staff members whose priority has always been providing the best possible experience for ISTSS members and participants in ISTSS’s education programs and readers of ISTSS’s publications.
While I am retiring from my role as executive director with ISTSS, I look forward to my continued involvement in ISTSS as a member of the society. I am leaving ISTSS in good hands, because I cannot imagine anyone better equipped to serve as ISTSS’s next executive director than Dr. Diane Elmore Borbon. I look forward to the continued success of ISTSS in the years ahead due to the combined efforts of the ISTSS board and committees, along with Dr. Elmore Borbon and her staff colleagues.