ISTSS performs an important function in recognizing those who have advanced the field of traumatic stress through their vision, creativity, tenacity, research accomplishments, clinical skills, public service and work with the media. The annual awards ceremony is always a highlight of the annual meeting. It is the time when those in the trauma field gather together to honor individuals who have made important contributions that advance the field and enrich lives personally and professionally.
A fine array of awards is presented for meritorious service, from young investigators to those who have distinguished themselves through a lifetime of contributions.
- The Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor given by ISTSS. It is awarded to the individual who has made great lifetime contributions to the field of PTSD.
- The Chaim Danieli Young Professional Award recognizes excellence in traumatic stress service or research by an individual who has completed his or her training within the past five years.
- The Robert S. Laufer Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement is given to an individual or group who has made an outstanding contribution to research in the PTSD field.
- The Sarah Haley Memorial Award for Clinical Excellence is given to a clinician or group of clinicians in direct service to traumatized individuals. This written and/or verbal communication to the field must exemplify the work of Sarah Haley.
- The Public Advocacy Award is given for outstanding and fundamental contributions to advancing social understanding of trauma.
- Frank Ochberg Award for Media and Trauma Study, established at the 2003 annual meeting, recognizes significant contributions by clinicians and researchers on the relationship of media and trauma.
The Awards Committee urges you to make nominations for the 2005 awards. Nominations
must include a one-page statement summarizing the major achievements of the nominee and the nominee’s curriculum vitae. Be sure to state the award for which you wish your nominee to be considered.
The deadline for receipt of nominations is June 1, 2005. You are encouraged to consider candidates from countries outside North America. The society will recognize award winners at the ISTSS 21st Annual Meeting, November 2–5, at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
E-mail nominations as Word document attachments no later than June 1 to the 2005 Awards Committee chair Bonnie Green at