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Join ISTSS Today!

We bring together clinicians and researchers from around the world who understand the scope and consequences of traumatic exposure and advocate for the field of traumatic stress.

Membership Categories




Open to all lay and professional persons.

Benefits: All

Price: Regular


Early Career


Did you graduate with a degree less than three years ago?

Benefits: All

Price: Reduced




Are you enrolled in a program of study leading to a degree?


Benefits: All

Price: Reduced




Are you at least 65?

Benefits: All

Price: Reduced




Open to all lay and professional persons.

Benefits: Some

Price: FREE

Looking for a discount? One of the benefits you receive as a paying member of ISTSS is a subscription to our official journal, the Journal of Traumatic Stress, available exclusively online. Enjoy full digital access as part of your membership at a discounted rate!

What country do you live in?

We adjust your membership rate based on your country of residency. See our sliding scale for your country's membership rates.

Are you a member of an ISTSS Affiliate Society?

Current members of official ISTSS Affiliate Societies—ACET, ASTSS CPA TSS, DeGPT, ESTSS, JSTSS, KSTSS and SAPsi—are invited to join ISTSS at reduced rates. This option is available for all paying membership categories. ISTSS Affiliate Regular Members are eligible to vote, serve on committees and hold office in the organization.

Member Benefits

Education and Professional Development

Access to the member rate for webinars, recorded sessions and other online learning.


Access to prepublication, current and archived issues of the Journal of Traumatic Stress (JTS). Published bi-monthly, JTS is the leading source in the traumatic stress field. JTS contains peer-reviewed original papers focused on theoretical formulations, research, treatment, prevention, education andtraining, and legal and policy concerns.

Receive the electronic, bi-monthly eNewsletter, StressPoints, written by members, for members and offers news about the field and the Society.

Receive the electronic, bi-monthly ISTSS New in Peer Review, a collection of journal articles selected by our website editing team and categorized for your review.

Member Discounts

Journal of Traumatic Stress authors can make their articles open access by paying an article publication charge (APC). ISTSS members receive 20% off article publication charges.

 25% off Effective Treatments for PTSD, Third Edition, the final component of ISTSS' updated PTSD Prevention and Treatment Guidelines

Take 30% off all books purchased online from Wiley, the publisher of the Journal of Traumatic Stress.

Online Tools

Access to online resources available only to ISTSS members, including validated assessment instruments, treatment manuals and other tools to assist the busy clinician and researcher.

Utilize the Career Center and connect with those advertising and searching for available positions in the field.

Networking and Professional Recognition

ISTSS presents awards and recognition to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field. Members nominate colleagues annually for awards honoring lifetime achievement, scientific achievement, clinical excellence, public advocacy and more.

Registration in the ISTSS Clinician Directory, a feature of the ISTSS website that allows the public to search for ISTSS members who identify themselves as a clinician, counselor or mental health professional.

Opportunities to volunteer and engage with leaders in the field of traumatic stress across all committees and Special Interest Groups​


Diana E. Santacrose, Early Career Member

As an early career psychologist, ISTSS has been a professional home for me to develop a sense of a global community of professionals dedicated to trauma research and practice. I have been grateful to the rich opportunities available to emerging professionals since I was a second-year doctoral student. Annual meetings continue to be a highlight that offer a chance to build on this network and be inspired by efforts in the field of traumatic stress.

Dana Garfin, Early Career Member

ISTSS has allowed me to grow my professional network and facilitate ongoing collaborations with colleagues outside my immediate circle. The annual meetings have broadened my thinking about traumatic stress research and practice, which has served me well throughout my career.

Lia J. Smith, Student Member

I am always inspired by the presentations and colleagues that I meet at ISTSS. Every year I come away re-inspired for trauma-focused work!

Carolina Salgado, Regular Member

I have been an international member of ISTSS since 2010, because I realized as a clinician, professor and leader in my community how necessary it is to learn about trauma and its mental health consequences. And I recognize that all of us have to know ways to help our patients that are dealing with their tremendous stories.

Being part of ISTSS provides me not just knowledge regarding PTSD, but also a sense of being part of a warm, friendly and wise Global Community, which is committed to people and has an interest in developing, expanding, and making reachable for everyone the scientific progress in the field.

Sacha McBain, Early Career Member

I attended my first ISTSS Annual Meeting as a graduate student in 2014. I was so impressed with the ISTSS as an organization and the quality of the Annual Meeting I quickly adopted ISTSS as my professional home. Each year I leave ISTSS feeling energized and inspired to incorporate what I've learned into my research and clinical work. ISTSS has provided me with amazing professional development experiences, including acting as the Student Section Chair, involvement in the Membership Committee, and participation in ISTSS strategic planning. It has also helped me build a professional network that spans the globe.

In my geographic area there are very few psychologists conducting trauma research and clinical work. My ISTSS membership and involvement in ISTSS' Special Interest Groups (SIGs) has enabled me to collaborate with other professionals and establish relationships with external mentors to support my trauma work in my local community. I am so grateful for the ISTSS community and our shared mission to improve the lives of those who have experienced trauma through interdisciplinary collaboration. I hope you will join us as an ISTSS member.