Trauma Blog
Get the latest information on traumatic stress from a diverse group of experts in the field. The ISTSS Trauma Blog highlights the perspectives of clinicians, researchers and other professionals and students working to understand, prevent and treat trauma across the globe. View the latest articles below, or search for specific articles by keyword, topic or date.
Instructions for submitting a trauma blog can be found here.

Assessment and Psychometrics
Researchers find a score of 27 or greater on the Moral Injury and Distress Scale (MIDS) identifies clinically meaningful and impairing moral injury.

As we enter the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pandemic’s impact on population mental health is of uncertain magnitude and duration (Manchia et al., 2022), but evidence from numerous surveys indicate adverse outcomes for girls and women (Sun et al., 2023), gender minority individuals (Nowaskie & Roesler, 2022), individuals with physical health problems (Robinson et al., 2022), older adults, and children and adolescents (Zolopa et al., 2022). A particularly vulnerable group, despite having a high level of resilience, are healthcare workers and organizations, and the mental/behavioral health impact on medical, nursing and other physical healthcare providers is well recognized (e.g., Ford et al., 2022; Hannemann et al., 2022; Sahebi et al., 2021). However, the toll on mental/behavioral health and human services providers has not been systematically evaluated, with only two surveys to date. One, conducted in 2020 with 110 psychotherapists from the United Kingdom, identified burnout as prevalent (Kotera et al., 2021). The second, a survey of child/adolescent, couples and family therapists in Canada (N=1280 in July 2020; 905 in June 2021), found that therapists reported better mental health than the general population but increasing difficulties with sleep, anxiety, sadness, irritability and mood swings in 2021 compared to 2020 (Battam & Hilbrecht, 2021).

Diversity and Multicultural Issues

International and Global

Military and Combat
PTSD is a common and disabling disorder that impacts many Veterans. This blog discusses our new study examining how Veterans with PTSD respond to threat in fear and anxiety brain networks. The study findings extend the current understanding of the brain basis of PTSD to include both fear and anxiety networks and highlight new treatment targets.

Student and Early Career
On November 1, 2023, another successful Paper in a Day (PiaD) was held at the ISTSS annual meeting in Los Angeles. The PiaD grew out of a wish to foster collaborations between young researchers from around the world. It is designed to stimulate international connections and the exchange of ideas by working on a tangible outcome: a paper, short communication or commentary for a peer-reviewed journal. The PiaD project aligns with FAIR data principles. The focus of this year’s PiaD was on potential gender differences in early post-trauma PTSD symptoms and symptom cluster networks.