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Trauma Treatment

ISTSS is committed to supporting the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based and emerging best practices for individuals suffering from traumatic stress. 

New ISTSS Prevention and Treatment Guidelines

After extensive reviews of clinical research literature, ISTSS updated its Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of PTSD in 2018.

Telehealth Materials

Clinical videoteleconferencing and other virtual psychological and psychiatric health services are increasingly important options for accessing mental health care. ISTSS offers a number of treatment resources on implementing evidence-based treatments via telehealth.

International Practice Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guidelines for treatment of PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder have been developed in a number of countries, including Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

International Trauma Training Guidelines

This document outlines the values underlying international training, contextual challenges in societies during and after conflicts, and core curricular elements of training including an outline of necessary techniques for monitoring and evaluation.

Treatment Materials

ISTSS offers a number of treatment resources, including treatment manuals, patient handouts, and links to high-quality web-based trainings in evidence-based practices.

Vicarious Trauma Toolkit

Freely available to the public, the Vicarious Trauma Toolkit provides a repository of evidence-informed tools that law enforcement, emergency medical, fire and victim services organizations can use to address the impact of vicarious trauma on staff and volunteers.

Self-Care for Providers

Professionals who work with trauma survivors in an open, engaged and empathic way and who feel responsible or committed to helping them are likely to experience indirect trauma. That means that they will be transformed by the work. The way helpers understand and experience the world and themselves is changed as they enter into the world of the survivor. While trauma work can be very meaningful and rewarding, it can also be very difficult and painful. The changes helpers experience in their identities, world views, and spirituality affect both the helpers' professional relationships with clients and colleagues and their personal relationships.