Home 5 Education & Research

Education & Research

ISTSS engages its members in advancing traumatic stress science and uses research to improve prevention and clinical care, promote resilience, and inform public education and public policy.

Journal of Traumatic Stress

As the official publication of ISTSS, the Journal of Traumatic Stress (JTS) is an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original papers on biopsychosocial aspects of trauma. ISTSS members receive full access courtesy of their ISTSS membership.

#TraumaTalk Podcast Series

Hear from trauma experts on important topics such as treating PTSD in people at high risk for suicide, maneuvering roadblocks when providing trauma-focused intervention, and more.

Trauma from an Intersectional Perspective

Learn about the effects of trauma on multiply marginalized people from a panel of international experts in this free webinar recording.


ISTSS' eNewsletter is written by members for members and offers news about the field and the Society.