Special Interest Groups
Dissociation Special Interest Group Serves Two Functions
The Dissociation Special Interest Group, which is in the formation stage, will provide a forum to discuss theoretical, scientific, and clinical implications of dissociation and traumatic stress and will assist in the development of research and educational programs related to dissociation.
Furthermore, as ISTSS pursues collaborative projects with the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD), it is anticipated that this Dissociation SIG will serve as a nexus for collaboration. Information about meeting time and location during the ISTSS conference in New Orleans will be forthcoming. Your input about this group is welcome.
For further information, contact one of the co-chairs: Kathy Steele at katsteele@mindspring.com or Constance Dalenberg at cdalenberg @mail.cspp.edu.
Task Forces
Task Force Formed to Examine Meeting Structure
In an attempt to respond to an increasingly competitive submission process and ongoing efforts to improve the quality of the annual meeting, the ISTSS board of directors has created an annual meeting structure task force, chaired by Patricia Resick, to develop recommendations regarding improvements to the structure and content of the annual meeting.
While the size of the convention hotel limits the number of presentation rooms available, depending on convention attendance, we would like to explore innovative ways to accommodate the needs of the attendees and presenters. Many of you attend other conferences and may have suggestions that could be adapted for our needs as well. If you have any suggestions regarding the structure of the convention, particularly those that could increase the number of presentations, submit them to ISTSS headquarters or e-mail them to Marti Buckely at istss@istss.org. Your suggestions will be forwarded to the task force.
ISTSS Updates
Conference Submission Requirements Improved
ISTSS headquarters has received accolades for streamlining the 2001 annual meeting submission process this year. Submissions of all types (posters, oral, PMI, etc.) are up 25 percent from last year.
Nonetheless, we understand that ISTSS still asks for a good deal of information in the review process, and that takes time and effort. The program committee streamlined the procedure this year, requiring only essential information that the program review committee needs to complete its process and ensure that the program can be accredited in many fields.
Accrediting standards are becoming more strict each year. The national accrediting agency for CEUs requires CVs, learning objectives, conflict of interest forms and evaluation criteria for each session.
By completing these forms, ISTSS is able to provide CEU credits for the entirety of the conference sessions across many disciplines.
Become More Involved with ISTSS
ISTSS would like to have your input and enthusiasm. We want to diversify and have more voices involved in committee work and governance. Please contact Marti Buckely at ISTSS headquarters at istss@istss.org if you are interested in serving on a committee. Let us know the types of service that interest you most.
Send announcements, news clips and updates about special interest groups, affiliate groups and other related organizations to StressPoints managing editor at mnovak@istss.org with a subject line of "ISTSS Clips."