The ISTSS Nominations and Elections Committee, chaired by Board Member and Immediate Past President Debra Kaysen, PhD, has nominated the individuals listed below.
Nominees for President-Elect (electing one; nominees are listed in alphabetical order):
- Carolina Salgado, MD*
- Marit Sijbrandij, PhD*
*Current board member running for President-Elect
Nominees for Board Members (electing six; nominees are listed in alphabetical order):
- Rachel Hiller, PhD
- Jana Javakhishvili, PhD
- Rachel Liebman, PhD
- Angela Nickerson PhD**
- Sonya Norman, PhD
- Seth Norrholm, PhD
- Misari Oe, MD, PhD**
- Jasmine Pang, PhD
- Synne Stensland, MD, PhD**
- Briana Woods-Jaeger, PhD
**Current Board member running for re-election
Note: With the exception of the President, individuals are limited to two consecutive terms on the Board. This year, ISTSS Regular Members will elect six Board members to serve three-year terms beginning November 2021. ISTSS Regular Members will also elect a President-Elect who will assume the Office of President in November 2022.
What if I want to propose a candidate who is not listed on the slate above?
Per the ISTSS Bylaws, ISTSS Regular Members may place additional names in nomination by offering a petition signed by at least 16 Regular Members in good standing.
ISTSS Regular Members may nominate a Regular Member by petition by submitting the name of the Regular Member being nominated, along with the name and signature of the Regular Member making the nomination. A total of at least 16 Regular Member signatures must be received at ISTSS Headquarters no later than Monday, June 28, 2021, in order for the name of the Regular Member being nominated to be placed on the ballot. Petitions with signatures may be submitted by mail or a PDF sent as an attachment to an email to Tonya Cabrera. Petitions submitted as an email message without a PDF attachment will not be accepted.