Submit an Assessment
ISTSS promotes excellence in research, clinical practice, training, and public health related to experiences of traumatic stress. The purpose of the ISTSS Trauma Assessment resource is to provide an outlet for dissemination of new and relevant trauma related assessment measures that are psychometrically sound and relevant to clinical practice and/or research.
To submit an assessment, please complete the ISTSS Assessment Submission Template (shown below) with information on your measure and send it along with any corresponding files to Rachel Liebman, Ph.D. Please copy the website editor, Lana Ruvolo Grasser, Ph.D., and title the email "ISTSS Assessment Submission (your last name)."
You will need the following information:
Assessment Name and Overview
Please provide a brief (2-3 sentence) overview of the measure.
Author/Publisher Details
Please state author/publisher names and contact information, including email addresses. Provide a link to the publisher if applicable.
Provide date(s) of measure publication(s).
Please provide a 2-5 sentence description that includes the following information. The description must be in paragraph form rather than bulleted items.
- Symptoms/problem the measure targets.
- Age range.
- Target population(s) (e.g., veterans, primary care patients, etc.).
- Number of items.
- Necessary qualifications to administer.
- How it is administered (e.g., interview vs. questionnaire).
- Length of time to administer.
- Translated versions.
- Any other relevant information.
- Please describe how to access the measure (including a link if applicable) and any limitations on its use (e.g., copyrights, etc.).
- Please include contact information if different from the author/publisher details listed above.
- If you would like to make a copy of the measure available to ISTSS members, please include a PDF copy of the measure and instructions (if any) in your submission.
- Please include any costs associated with using the measure.
Scoring and Interpretation
- Describe how the measure is scored.
- Include scoring for total scores and subscale scores as well as information on diagnostic or severity cut offs (if any).
- Please note, measures must have at least one published peer-reviewed empirical manuscript describing its development and psychometrics for inclusion in the ISTSS Assessment Repository.
- Please provide a brief review of the psychometrics of the measure, as you would in the methods section of a scientific article.
- Include information on reliability, validity, populations in which it has been validated.
- Include citations to relevant articles here as well as in the key/core references.
Key/Core References
- Please provide citations to primary development and subsequent validation papers (e.g., establishing concurrent validity).
- References should be formatted according to the newest edition of the APA style manual.
- If reference software is used, please remove links.
- Hyperlinks to article abstracts are optional and should link to the journal page that features the article abstract.
- Include links to translated versions and psychometric properties if relevant.
- Please explain where to access the assessment manual. If there is no manual, so state.
- Provide a hyperlink to manual if available.
Further Information
- Please provide information on how to get further training or information on the measure.
- Provide relevant contact information.
Featured Image (optional)
- This is an image that may be featured on the website and used in social media.
- The image must come from Adobe Stock Images. The ISTSS editor will pay for and download the image; however, authors are asked to provide up to three image IDs for possible inclusion. Visit to search for images.
- These must be downloadable as JPG files.
- Photos are preferred over graphical images (e.g., word graphics).
- Images should be in horizontal format.
Twitter Handles (optional)
- Twitter handles are used when promoting the assessment on social media.
- Authors are encouraged to provide their personal Twitter handles, affiliation and lab handles, and other handles that are pertinent to the measure.
Hashtags (optional)
- Hashtags are essentially keywords that are included in social media posts to increase visibility.
- Please provide up to five hashtags that are relevant to your assessment.