The ISTSS 22nd Annual Meeting, November 4-7, 2006, in Hollywood, Calif., will focus on “The Psychobiology of Trauma and Resilience Across the Lifespan.”

This intentionally broad theme highlights the importance of understanding the impact trauma has over an entire lifetime, and provides an inclusive approach for a broad range of discussion about the different factors that influence the risk of trauma and its effects. The rates of exposure to trauma are staggering, and many deal with substantial mental health and physical consequences. The 22nd Annual Meeting’s theme illustrates ISTSS’s commitment to share the knowledge and experience of leaders in the traumatic stress field, and assist in propelling trauma research and practice forward.

The breadth of the meeting’s theme is demonstrated by sessions that will address questions such as:

  • How can we prevent lasting psychological consequences among those serving in the military?
  • What influence does posttraumatic stress have on cancer survivors?
  • How do we treat panic and phobias in trauma survivors?
  • What long-term impact did the tragedy of 9/11 have on our mental health?

Just added sessions will also include such timely subjects as the effects of trauma on medical practitioners during the recent Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and the lasting traumatic impact of the 2005 Pakistani earthquake.

These sessions are only a few of the more than 100 symposia, workshops, panel discussions, cases and media presentations that will be packed into the four-day premier gathering of trauma professionals worldwide. The meeting features an innovative program of cutting edge research and clinical work aimed at meeting the needs of a large, diverse group of participants.

Keynote Address
This year’s keynote address, “Gene x Environment Interactions in Mental Health,” will be given by Avshalom Caspi, PhD, and Terrie E. Moffitt, PhD, Sunday, Nov. 5, from 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. Caspi is professor of personality development, and Moffitt is professor of social behaviour and development at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK, and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.

The address examines gene-environment interactions (GxE), which occur when the
effect of exposure to an environmental pathogen on health is conditional upon a person’s genotype. The speakers will discuss why GxE are probably common and consequential in mental health, emerging evidence about GxE in psychiatric disorders, strategic steps that may be used to organize further hypothesis-driven studies of GxE, and the potential benefits of the measured GxE approach for basic neuroscience, for intervention, and for gene hunting.  

For more program information, visit the 22nd Annual Meeting home page.