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Breaking the attendance mark set one year ago in Hollywood, the ISTSS 23rd Annual Meeting drew 1,311 people from all walks of the trauma field to Baltimore, November 15-17. Attendees descended on the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel to learn cutting-edge research, catch up with colleagues and participate in more than 100 symposia, workshops, panel discussions, cases and media presentations.

The meeting’s theme, "Preventing Trauma and its Effects: A Collaborative Agenda for Scientists, Practitioners, Advocates and Policy Makers," provided the basis for wide-ranging and spirited discussion among leaders in the field about the prevention of traumatic events and trauma-related reactions.

Jacqueline Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN, Anna D. Wolf endowed professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and expert in the prevention of family violence and violence against women across the world, officially kicked off the meeting with her well-received keynote address, "The Imprint of Trauma: On Minds, Bodies, Lives and Societies."

A number of sessions at the meeting touched on potentially traumatic global events, including:

  • The recent shootings at Virginia Tech
  • The war in Iraq, and its impact on civilians and military personnel
  • The global community’s responsibility in preventing genocide
  • Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters
  • Victims of physical and psychological torture

These sessions examined not only potentially traumatic events, but also proactive ways to avoid and lessen the impact of trauma whenever possible.

In addtion, Pre-Meeting Institutes held November 14 provided specialized training for clinicians and researchers. These sessions featured topics such as:

  • Trauma Prevention as Social Change: From Trauma Theory to Real Life Practice
  • Psychotherapy for PTSD and Substance Abuse
  • Treating Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse: Psychotherapy for the Interrupted Life
  • The Way Ahead: Disaster Mental Health Systems of Care

The meeting’s final program is available for download on the ISTSS Web site.

                                                The ISTSS Exhibit Hall

As a special feature at the opening reception this year, the artwork of Commander Diane Plappert was exhibited. Commander Plappert has been a critical care nurse for over 22 years, including more than 20 years as a flight nurse for a Level I trauma and burn center in Washington, D.C.  Her works were displayed around the reception area, and reflected her experiences in Iraq and the process of healing.

ISTSS owes a debt of gratitude to the 2007 program chairs, Joanne Davis and Jon Elhai, who worked tirelessly to ensure the conference would be innovative, thought-provoking and ultimately successful.

Mark your calendar now for the 24th Annual Meeting, November 13-15, 2008 at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, with Pre-Meeting Institutes November 12. The theme is “Preventing Trauma and its Effects.” ISTSS will also return to Baltimore for the 2011 conference.

2007 Annual Meeting Session CD-ROMs of Conference Presentations Now Available

For the first time ever, comprehensive multimedia CD-ROMs are available featuring MP3 recordings of every session at the 23rd ISTSS Annual Meeting in Baltimore, and PowerPoint presentations provided by the presenters. Take home the meeting with these comprehensive audio recordings and visual aids. Recordings of Pre-Meeting Institutes are also included.

While supplies last, order a CD-ROM for $99 for members or $119 for non-members.

Whether you were in Baltimore and want a reminder of what you experienced, or did not attend the conference and want to find out what you missed, order your multimedia CD-ROM today.