Data Committee
Background: Following the development of the ISTSS Strategic Plan in 2011, this group was initially formed in 2012 as a time-limited Data Infrastructure Task Force. This TF worked with an external Consulting Group to evaluate what data should be collected and how these data should be managed to best serve other committees and task forces, the board, and ISTSS members. After this process was complete, the TF recommended and the Board approved formation of a standing Data Committee.
This Committee’s ongoing work advances the following overarching strategy from the ISTSS Strategic Plan: assess member interests and needs in multiple areas via data collection, and helps ISTSS implement metrics to assess status and progress across all of its Strategic Goals.
Responsibilities: The purpose of this Committee is to determine how the larger organization can better use member data to give ISTSS members a voice in the organization, and how the organization can better collect and use member data and other organizational data to make data-driven goals and decisions. The Committee will
- develop metrics, survey items and tools, and other data collection tools,
- provide consultation regarding timing and nature of data collection, including survey design and administration, to ISTSS staff, the ISTSS Board, EC, and other ISTSS Committees
- vet proposed data collection activities (e.g. surveys) and make recommendations to the EC
- provide consultation with regard to the dissemination of results to ISTSS leadership and the larger ISTSS community.
Composition & Designated Chair or Members: The executive committee liaison for this task force is determined by the current ISTSS President, and the staff liaison is the Executive Director. The Committee Chair will report to ISTSS through these two liaisons. This Committee is comprised of 3-5 ISTSS members, ideally individuals with experience in leadership roles for ISTSS committees, SIGs, or Board. This is a standing Committee - length of service for the Chair is 2 years and is renewable.
Authority (including limitations): The Data Committee has the authority to recommend the use, collection, and management of member data and other organizational data. The Data Committee does not have the authority to change or implement policies.
Society Policies Impacting Function:
Motions and Actions:
- October 26, 2010 – Executive Committee minutes: It was reported the Data Infrastructure Task Force was created.
- April 11, 2011 – Executive Committee minutes: Note in minutes: Prior to the official start of meeting, Dr. Cloitre mentioned that she approved the appointment of Lynda King, Ph.D. to serve as co-chair of the Data Infrastructure Task Force along with co-chair Dawne Vogt, Ph.D. Mr. Koepke will email Dr. Vogt regarding questions to ask ISTSS members regarding their willingness to participate in research studies through ISTSS.
- February 28, 2012 – Executive Committee minutes: MOTION: The Data Infrastructure Task Force to become the Data Infrastructure Committee.
Interactions with other committees: The Data Committee will communicate with ISTSS committees, board members, and other leadership teams, as needed, to solicit information regarding their needs for and use of member data and other organizational data. Information gathered from these individuals will inform the Committee’s recommendations regarding data collection and use and its development of metrics and tools.
Products: The Committee will (a) develop metrics to address ISTSS strategic goals; (b) develop survey tools and other data collection tools as needed; and (c) produce documents containing detailed recommendations for data collection, use, and management as needed by the ISTSS Board.
Staff resources available: The Executive Director (Diane Borbon) and Association Manager (Laura Evans) will serve as resources to this committee for accomplishing goals.
The Committee will collaborate with ISTSS staff concerning logistical issues, availability of data, number and frequency of member surveys, and other data- and metrics-related issues.
Financial and other resources available: N/A
Processes/procedures: The Data Committee will work closely with ISTSS leadership to prioritize among assessment needs with regard to Strategic Goals status and progress, and to recommend appropriate methods for data collection, including survey design, participant sampling and dissemination of results. The Data Committee will work via email and phone meetings, convening on an as-needed basis to brainstorm, assign tasks, discuss progress, and make decisions with respect to these projects.