Public Health and Policy Committee
- Purpose of Committee: The Public Health and Policy Committee is responsible for reviewing and making timely recommendations to the ISTSS President and the Executive Committee regarding traumatic stress-related public health and policy issues that may warrant attention or action by the society. Particular attention should be paid to public health and policy issues that are aligned with the ISTSS Strategic Plan, including Goal 3: Societal Impact. The Committee is also responsible for overseeing implementation of the Board of Directors approved recommendations of the Trauma and Public Health Task Force.
- Chair and Committee Composition: The Chair of the Public Health and Policy Committee is appointed by the ISTSS President, with approval of the Executive Committee. The Chair serves for a 2 year renewable term and reports to a designated liaison to the Executive Committee. The Chair appoints committee members, prioritizing the inclusion of those with public health and public policy expertise and those representing the diversity of the ISTSS membership.
- Committee Authority (including limitations): Within the strategic direction and overall policies set by the Board, the Committee has the authority to gather information and make recommendations regarding public health and policy positions and actions of ISTSS. All Committee recommendations must be presented to the Board of Directors for approval prior to implementation.
- Society Policies Impacting Committee Function: The Committee must adhere to all ISTSS policies. During the Board of Directors’ Meeting held in November 2014, the Committee was tasked with developing specific criteria for vetting and determining ISTSS participation in key public health policy issues. The Committee should refer to the final report of the Trauma and Public Health Task Force, accepted and approved by the ISTSS Board in November 2014.
M110414-05 MOTION Trauma and Public Health Task Force
Accept and endorse the Trauma and Public Health Task Force Report pending edits approved by the Executive Committee
Accept and endorse the Trauma and Public Health Task Force Report pending edits approved by the Executive Committee
M110414-06 MOTION Trauma and Public Health Task Force
Approve the 19 Trauma and Public Health Task Force recommendations and begin to act upon the high priority recommendations in 2015.
Approve the 19 Trauma and Public Health Task Force recommendations and begin to act upon the high priority recommendations in 2015.
- Interactions with Other Committees and Positions: The Committee communicates regularly with the Executive Committee on timely traumatic stress-related public health and policy issues. In addition, the Committee may receive information or requests from other committees and groups, however, all recommended actions of this Committee must be approved by the Board of Directors. The Committee also works closely with the ISTSS staff and Web site editor to coordinate dissemination of information regarding approved ISTSS public health and policy positions and actions.
- Committee Products: The Committee may recommend that ISTSS sign letters of support, issue public health and policy statements, organize events or undertake other public health and policy activities.
- Staff Resources Available (from Sherwood scope of work): Staff is available to:
- Maintain the Committee listserv
- Arrange for Committee conference calls
- Disseminate public health and policy information via the ISTSS Web site or in broadcast e-mails to ISTSS members
- Provide relevant background/historical information relevant to the Committee’s work
- Financial and Other Resources Available: The Committee may hold conference calls to conduct their business, but any other expenses must be approved, via a resource request, by the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors
- Processes/Procedures:
Meetings: The Chair schedules Committee meetings as needed, develops the meeting agenda, and leads Committee meetings. The Committee may meet face-to-face at the Annual Meeting, and/or have discussions and make decisions via conference calls and e-mail exchanges.
Guiding Principles: The following principles shall guide the Public Health and Policy Committee’s selection of issues that ISTSS may address:
- Public health and policy positions and activities should directly relate to the mission of ISTSS and the Strategic Plan
- Issues shall not be divisive - or framed as such
- Positions shall not be taken on issues that involve conflicts between nations
- Priority may be given to issues that are of broad global interest and relevance
- The President may notify the Chair of the Public Health and Policy Committee of issues that may be of interest to ISTSS and may require input and/or action by the Committee, or the Chair of the Public Health and Policy Committee may notify the President of issues that may be of interest to ISTSS and may require input and/or action by the Committee
- After consultation with members of the Public Health and Policy Committee, the Committee Chair will present recommendation(s) to the Executive Committee regarding traumatic stress-related public health and policy issues
- The Executive Committee would make a decision regarding whether to move forward and share this decision with the Chair of the Public Health and Policy Committee
- If relevant, in consultation with the Executive Committee, the Public Health and Policy Committee would pursue the issue as recommended and provide oversight of the process as relevant
- Any position statement, product, or recommendation would require Board of Directors review to finalize and approve
- The Executive Committee, in collaboration with the Public Health and Policy Committee, will work with relevant ISTSS representatives to disseminate relevant information to the membership, via e-mail, StressPoints and/or the ISTSS Web site
Diane Elmore Borbon - Staff Person