Volunteer Coordinator
The Volunteer Coordinator will:
- Engage in conversation with committee/taskforce chairs on what their upcoming needs are on a quarterly basis and draft a brief summary based on responses of committee chairs.
- Consult with the Executive Committee liaison on a monthly basis to identify other volunteer opportunities and positions based on new or ongoing Society initiatives or activities.
- Be a member of the Membership Committee, as their Committee home, and will help engage and connect members alongside the work of that Committee.
- Remind committee chairs and taskforce leaders to complete a volunteer opportunity form for any available positions, annually, and as opportunities arise.
- Call for volunteers, with the support of staff.
- Volunteer coordinator to share potential volunteer names, and preferred committees, with committee/taskforce chairs.
- Assist with volunteer placement, as needed.
- Communicate with members who submitted a volunteer application but were not placed in a volunteer position to thank them and encourage them to apply for other positions in the future, with the support of staff.
- Communicate with members who were placed on a committee or taskforce to notify them of the placement and provide contact information for the identified work group Chair, with the support of staff.
- Compose a Volunteer Thank You article for StressPoints annually, in collaboration with ISTSS staff and Membership Committee chairs.
- Work with chairs of student section and student chairs of SIGs to identify and inform students about student volunteer positions.
- Volunteer Coordinator may need to identify potential volunteers for specific needs in addition to using the volunteer opportunity portal (e.g., if no one responds, if a specialized skill set is needed).
- Draft a volunteer orientation packet in conjunction with ISTSS staff for both volunteers and chairs.
Composition and Designated Member: One Volunteer Coordinator who is a member of ISTSS who will connect with Membership Engagement Taskforce, as needed. Desired qualifications include:
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills (written and oral).
- Familiarity with ISTSS through membership over multiple years, attendance at annual conference at least once, prior experience as a volunteer for ISTSS.
- Well-connected in the organization and/or the trauma field in general, or shows the ability to grow in this area.
- Strong time management and organizational skills.
Term: Three year term.
- It is estimated that Volunteer Coordinator activities will make variable time demands not normally exceeding two or three hours per week during months with high activity.
- Up to six months prior to the end of the Volunteer Coordinator’s term the Executive Committee will either reappoint the same coordinator or select a new Volunteer Coordinator. Transition of the Volunteer Coordinator to occur during the first quarter of the year.
Interaction with other committees:
- Volunteer Coordinator to attend Leadership Council meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting.
- Volunteer Coordinator to work in tandem with ISTSS committees to enhance the volunteer opportunities and recognition.
- Volunteer Coordinator to work with committee chairs to recruit member volunteers and secure placement on a committee.
Products: Implement successful volunteer recruitment, retention, and recognition efforts. Creation of a volunteer orientation packet for volunteers and for chairs of committees/taskforces