The Argentine Society for Psychotrauma, an affiliate organization of ISTSS, publishes La Revista de Psicotrauma para Ibero-America (RPI), the only peer-reviewed journal in Spanish dedicated to trauma. Since the journal’s inception in 2002, it has published papers by Bessel van der Kolk, Charles Figley, Louis Crocq, Raquel Cohen, Eric Gentry, Joop de Jong, Francine Shapiro, Etzel Cardena, Steve Gold, Barbara Rothbaum and others, as well as articles by Argentine and other Spanish-speaking authors.
RPI publishes original papers, clinical reports and book reviews. Each article is presented with text in Spanish and abstracts in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Distributed primarily by mail through subscription, RPI also is sold at courses and conferences and is indexed in the PILOTS database of trauma-related publications. Full text of many articles is available online at
The journal is multidisciplinary, intended to promote the advancement of knowledge about the nature and biopsychosocial consequences of highly stressful and/or traumatic experiences such as wars; natural disasters; domestic or institutional violence; sexual violation; human rights violations; psychological, physical and sexual abuse; captivity; torture; harassment; discrimination; hostage-taking; accidents; terminal illnesses; secondary traumatization; and marginality. The principal areas include theoretical formulations, diagnosis, therapeutics, prevention, neurophysiologic investigation, legal aspects, training, and brief reports of cases and/or interventions.
According to RPI associate editor, Eduardo Cazabat, many of the published articles have been submitted as English manuscripts, though some have been in French. “Our idea is to publish articles by the most outstanding professionals in the field as a way of disseminating advancements in our discipline to the Spanish-speaking public, just as original articles in Spanish (or Portuguese) permit the development of knowledge and self-expression of our countries and cultures.” The range of articles chosen reflects a range of theoretical perspectives.
Dedicated volunteers are responsible for the tasks of editing, publishing and distribution. “Principally, for lack of economic resources, many times we have to translate some of the material ourselves,” Cazabat continues. “To transfer the magazines, to sell them, and so forth, is considered almost personal work.” Based in Argentina, RPI also is represented in Mexico, and is seeking representatives in other Spanish-speaking countries.
Articles may be solicited directly by the editors from authorities in the field, recommended by colleagues via the Internet, or submitted by readers; all submissions are then peer reviewed. ISTSS members and StressPoints readers are invited “to collaborate with RPI by reading it, diffusing it, subscribing to it, submitting to it, and publicizing and distributing it.
“We are inviting people to submit to the journal,” Cazabat says. “Manuscripts may be original unpublished material, or we accept reprints, although the submitter must have the rights for publication for previously published material. Submitted manuscripts may be written in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian.” Instructions for authors are available at
Andrew Stone, MD, is co-director of the PTSD clinical team at the VA Medical Center in Philadelphia.