Home 5 Awards 5 Student and Mentor Awards 5 Outstanding Student Achievement Award

Outstanding Student Achievement Award

Nominations open February 3, 2025

The Outstanding Student Achievement Award recognizes the hard work and dedication of students and prises a graduate student member of ISTSS who has made a significant contribution to the field of traumatic stress through research, clinical activity or advocacy.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nominees must be current student member of ISTSS or a student member last year
  • Nominees must be nominated by an ISTSS member

Award Criteria

Applications will be judged against the following criteria:

  • Nomination letter offers strong praise and offers specific details about the student’s achievements.
  • Contributions to research, advocacy or clinical activity are clearly articulated and impressive. Clear evidence of commitment to scientific rigor, and/or clinical activity and/or advocacy.
  • Special consideration if there is also clear evidence of commitment to diversity/ inclusion.

Award Benefits

The awardee will receive:

  • Complimentary registration to the ISTSS Annual Meeting (excludes Pre-Meeting Institutes)
  • A plaque presented at the Annual Meeting
  • An announcement will appear in the ISTSS Newsletter, Stresspoints and be posted to the ISTSS website

Nomination Requirements

  • Nominees can be self or other-nominated
  • A statement addressing the award criteria up to 4,000 characters
  • A two-page CV (minimum 10 point font)
  • An statement, addressing additional justifications,  up to 1,000 characters (e.g. if between programs - i.e, post-bacc/ pre-doctoral researcher etc./ self-identification as Black/Indigenous or belonging to an underserved group)

Nominations submitted after the deadline of March 17, 2025, 11.59pm US Eastern Time. Incomplete nominations or nominations that do not adhere to submission requirements (word and page limits) will not be considered.


2024 Emmanuel Thomas