The terrorist attacks in the United States changed just about everything-including the 17th Annual ISTSS Meeting. We hope to make the December conference in New Orleans a place for our international community to gather and to focus on the many issues of trauma and, now especially, of terrorism and mass disaster.
The conference program was being finalized as the events of September 11 unfolded. However, in response to the attacks, ISTSS is planning a number of additions to the conference for both formal and informal presentations, including the following:
- Two premeeting institutes providing opportunities for training in assessment and interventions with trauma following mass disaster
- Two extra slots for concurrent sessions
- Informal information sharing and networking with trauma professionals who have worked at ground zero
- A small room provided for quiet contemplation
- A wall of remembrance in a separate section of the poster presentation room provided for displaying photos, poems and other forms of expression
Also, the Awards Banquet has been slightly restructured to enhance the atmosphere of community and warmth during our evening together. Dining will be casual, featuring renowned New Orleans food.
As we finalize the program after current developments, we hope to achieve a balance between continuity and responsiveness, between heart and mind. We invite you to join us for what promises to be a truly remarkable ISTSS annual meeting, December 6-9, 2001.