The Second Annual Conference on Innovations in Trauma Research Methods (CITRM) is scheduled for November 6–7, 2005, in Toronto, immediately after the ISTSS 21st Annual Meeting. CITRM will be held at the Radisson Admiral Harbourfront Hotel, less than one-half mile from the site of the ISTSS annual meeting. The goal of CITRM is to promote methodological advances in the study of stress, trauma and PTSD. The theme for CITRM 2005 is Longitudinal Methods in Trauma Research, a key topic in contemporary trauma research methodology (and one requested by many attendees at CITRM 2004).

Call for Submissions
CITRM welcomes submissions for oral presentations and posters from conference attendees. Submissions should emphasize research methods, not content. The research method can be illustrated using a data set or examples from research on psychological trauma and its sequelae, though submissions that use data from other content areas also will be considered. Presentations and posters can address issues related to research design; sampling and recruitment; measurement and assessment; data analysis; or a key theoretical issue in trauma research methods. We also welcome submissions related to ethical issues in trauma research.

Some examples of presentation and poster subjects suitable for CITRM 2005, related to the conference theme, are: longitudinal qualitative research; methods to reduce attrition in longitudinal studies; modern approaches to incomplete data; measuring symptom change over time; hand-held computers (PDAs) for repeated measures in prospective studies; cutting-edge issues in designing and implementing longitudinal clinical trials; growth curve modeling; and survival analysis.

Submissions will be rated on potential utility for trauma research, degree of innovation, and clarity of presentation. The deadline for receipt of submissions is May 15, 2005. Please see the CITRM Web site at for details on the submission process.

Travel Stipends Available
Underrepresented researchers may seek support for CITRM attendance via a program to provide funds for registration, travel and lodging. The Underrepresented Researchers’ Travel Stipend Program facilitates participation by individuals from those groups traditionally underrepresented within the field of traumatic stress studies. A unique aspect of the program is that both experienced and novice researchers are eligible to receive stipends. Eligibility guidelines, application forms, instructions and deadline are posted on the CITRM Web site at

CITRM is funded primarily by the National Institute of Mental Health. Additional support is provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and the Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center (MAVERIC).