The National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at the VA Boston Healthcare System anticipates the availability of two NIMH-supported postdoctoral fellowships to begin September 1, 2005. The fellowships have a minimum duration of one year and are designed to train psychologists in the scientific study of stress, trauma, and PTSD. Fellows work in one of the two Boston divisions of the National Center (Behavioral Science and Women’s Health Sciences), both of which are affiliated with Boston University School of Medicine.

While a primary objective of the training program is to prepare individuals for academically oriented careers in clinical psychology, compatible non-clinical applicants will be considered. Fellows will have the opportunity to: (a) participate in ongoing research projects conducted by program faculty, (b) initiate independent research projects, (c) prepare applications to federal and other funding agencies for research support, (d) conduct secondary analyses on existing data sets, and (e) provide direct clinical services to PTSD patients under the guidance of a clinical supervisor.

Each fellow will be assigned one or more senior faculty members who serve as primary mentors. Additional collaboration with other faculty members is encouraged. Fourteen core faculty currently are active in the training program and bring to it expertise in a wide variety of areas in PTSD research with veterans and civilians, including: (a) cognitive-behavioral treatment methods; (b) health-related aspects of trauma and PTSD; (c) gender-related stress and gender correlates of PTSD; (d) development and validation of assessment instruments; (e) study of violence in intimate relationships; (f) trauma-related aspects of personality and personality disorder; (g) psychophysiological and neurobiological study of emotion and emotional processing; and (h) traumatic stress experienced by special populations including the elderly, survivors of sexual assault, refugees, and individuals with HIV infection. In addition, adjunct faculty with expertise in minority issues, substance abuse, and psychopharmacology are available to the training program.

Priority will be given to individuals applying by November 1, 2004, but applications will be accepted until all positions are filled. The salary and benefits package is competitive, and supplemental funds are provided to support further coursework and other educational opportunities, conference attendance, and travel.

A completed application should include a personal statement of professional goals and interests, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference. Minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. prior to starting the program.

Applications should be submitted to Terence Keane, Ph.D., National Center for PTSD (116B-2), VA Boston Healthcare System, 150 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02130. The VA Boston Healthcare System is an equal opportunity employer.