Special Interest Groups

Child Trauma SIG
The Child Trauma SIG is a forum for sharing ideas, for networking, and for discussing relevant issues among individuals with an interest in children and trauma. New members, ideas, and proposals are always welcome. The Child Trauma SIG now has an active listserv allowing members the opportunity to share ideas more efficiently. There will be a Child Trauma SIG meeting at ISTSS 2002 annual meeting in Baltimore on Friday, November 8, from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m., to discuss SIG activities, areas of interest and future SIG projects. Anyone with an interest in children and trauma is encouraged to attend. For more information about this SIG, e-mail Margaret E. Blaustein at mblauste@mindspring.com.

Intergenerational SIG
Members of the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma and Resiliency SIG are working independently to promote knowledge of intergenerational transmission in different areas: a) prevention of violence; b) prevention of genocide; c) prevention of ethnic discrimination; d) development of strategies to address cycles of hatred; and e) identifying healing processes for intergenerational trauma scars. For more information or to join the Intergenerational SIG, e-mail IntergenerationalSIG@ISTSSlist.org.

Research Methodology SIG
The Research Methodology Special Interest Group (RMSIG) sponsored five program submissions for the upcoming ISTSS annual meeting in Baltimore. Jeffrey Sonis will be the primary presenter for a Premeeting Institute titled "Categorical Data Analysis: An Epidemiologic Approach." In a related follow-up workshop, Sonis will lead a presentation on "How To Use and Calculate Likelihood Ratios for Diagnostic Tests." Another workshop, directed by Patrick Palmieri, "An Introduction to Item Response Theory (IRT) Methods and Applications," will present an overview of this contemporary approach to test development and usage. J. Blake Turner will chair a symposium on an important topic for all trauma researchers: "Recall Bias in Retrospective Reports of Major Stressful Events." Finally, in conjunction with the Student Special Interest Group, organized by Karestan Koenen, the RMSIG is co-sponsoring a workshop titled "Everything You Wanted to Know About Applying for Training Grants," which will include representatives from granting agencies as well as researchers who have received early career grants as students or young investigators.

The RMSIG will hold its regular meeting during the Baltimore annual meeting. For further information on this group and its activities, contact Dan King or Lynda King at lking@world.std.com.

Spirituality and Trauma SIG
How do researchers, academicians, clinicians and clergy working in the trauma field assist trauma survivors in making meaning of tragedy that has turned their lives inside out?

Trauma comes in different forms and magnitudes, yet the component of making sense of it rests with individuals themselves and their resources and understanding. Trauma affects intrapersonal, interpersonal and transpersonal relationships, so the healing of trauma must seek to intervene in each of these. Too often, the transpersonal relationship is neglected for fear of broaching a survivor's religious or spiritual beliefs. Yet, addressing the transpersonal dimension often assists survivors in moving from a state of trauma into growth. The purpose of trauma interventionists is to heal and serve, no matter what their belief systems may be-it is their spirits, hearts and minds that are called to serve and heal.

The annual Spirituality and Trauma SIG meeting will be held Saturday, November 9, from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. at the ISTSS annual meeting in Baltimore. Please join this community of knowledge, support and innovation. The Spirituality and Trauma SIG will again sponsor the Quiet Contemplation Room for all attendees during the Baltimore conference. This space provides an opportunity for reflection, centering and peace. For more information, contact Molly Guzzino, SIG chairperson, at mollyg@eudoramail.com.