Special Interest Groups
Creative, Body and Energy Therapies SIG
The Creative, Body and Energy Therapies SIG has become an active network for those researchers and practitioners interested in the potential of these therapies to contribute to trauma treatment. Several presentations and workshops have been prepared. The SIG set up a listserv this year that allows members to share ideas and communicate effectively about training opportunities. New members are welcome. Contact chair David Read Johnson at hadardavid@aol.com.
Criminal Justice SIG
Trauma pervades the daily life of any family where battering occurs. To highlight the ramifications of domestic violence and the relevance of trauma in the courtroom, the American Bar Association (Domestic Violence section), in conjunction with the Criminal Justice SIG, will co-sponsor a mock trial at the ISTSS annual meeting December 6, 2001 (PMI).
A documented case of a battered woman facing criminal charges will be presented, along with expert witnesses for both the prosecution and the defense. After hearing the case, we are asking you, as participants, to act as a jury. Attorneys, prosecutors and experts have been invited to participate in the trial.
At the conclusion of the workshop, pamphlets and bibliographic material will be offered to the audience. For more information, contact chair Susan Mirow at SusanMirow@aol.com.
New Dissociation SIG to Meet in New Orleans
The newly formed Dissociation SIG, co-chaired by Kathy Steele and Constance Dalenberg, will have its first meeting at the ISTSS 17th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Saturday, December 8, 1 p.m.-2:15 p.m. The location of the meeting will be posted at the conference and also will be sent to those on our e-mail list. We encourage everyone interested in our exciting new group to come with ideas, energy, and creativity to help develop a dynamic and useful group within ISTSS. We would like to plan a number of projects, including a workshop or symposium for the 2002 annual meeting in Baltimore. Contact Kathy Steele at katsteele@mindspring.com.
Early Interventions Area SIG
The Early Interventions Area SIG will sponsor two activities at the ISTSS annual meeting in New Orleans. A symposium called "Early Intervention to Prevent Development of PTSD," will feature three international leaders in early intervention theory and research. Dr. Arieh Shalev will present "The early aftermath of traumatic event: A window of opportunity for psychological interventions?" Dr. Jonathan Bisson will present "Providing an evidence-based early psychological response following physical injury." Dr. Richard Bryant will speak about "Cognitive behavior therapy of acute stress disorder: A four-year follow-up."
The second activity is a panel discussion called "Early Intervention to Prevent PTSD: Visions of the Next Generation of Services." Presenters will include Drs. Jonathan Bisson, Cameron Ritchie, Patricia Watson and Joe Ruzek.
Gender and Trauma SIG
The Gender and Trauma SIG will sponsor three symposia for ISTSS:
- Gender Issues in PTSD Treatment: Focus on Cognitive Processing; chairs: Rachel Kimerling and Elizabeth Diane Krause; discussant: Judith Herman; presenters: Elizabeth Krause, Patricia Resick and Jennifer Freyd.
- Common Threads and Distinct Notions: Japanese, Japanese American, Mexican and Mexican American Women's Experience of Violence; chair: Fran Norris; discussant: Rachel Kimerling; presenters: Mieko Yoshihama and Julia Perilla.
- Everything You Wanted to Know about a Research Career but Were Afraid to Ask: panel discussion co-sponsored by the Student SIG; moderated by Karestan Koenen.
For more information, contact Rachel Kimerling, PhD, at 415/206-6447 or rachelk@itsa.ucsf.edu.
Intergenerational Transmission SIG
The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma and Resiliency SIG is expanding its membership. For those interested in joining, send your name, address, phone number and e-mail address to: delmore2@aol.com. Immediate plans for IT/SIG: a) expanding our listserv; b) establishing dialogue and communication with members of other networks of similar interests; c) promoting bibliography and literature. For more information, contact co-chairs Andrei Novac at anovac@msx.ndc.mc.uci.edu or Diane Elmore at delmore2@aol.com.
Research Methodology SIG
The Research Methodology SIG is sponsoring five events at the upcoming ISTSS annual meeting in New Orleans. The first is a premeeting half-day training session titled "Contemporary Approaches to the Treatment of Missing or Incomplete Data," presented by Dan King, Peter Bachrach and Lynda King. The second feature is titled "Reaching Across the Clinical-Research Interface: A Dialog about Issues," chaired by Elisa Triffleman, with panel discussants Elana Newman, Sylvia Morotta and Joanne Bacci. A third offering, chaired by Karestan Koenen, "Everything You Wanted to Know about a Research Career but Were Afraid to Ask" should be especially interesting for students. A workshop conducted by Bruce Dohrenwend and colleagues will focus on "Retrospective Measurement of Combat Exposure." Rachel Kimerling will chair a symposium titled "Gender Issues in PTSD Treatment: Focus on Cognitive Processing."
The scheduled SIG meeting in New Orleans will be especially important, as a working subcommittee of the larger group (Jeffrey Sonis, Elisa Triffleman, Lynda King, and Dan King) will report the progress in planning for a conference on research methodologies in the study of stress, trauma, and health. This is a follow-up and continuation of issues discussed at the 2000 annual meeting. SIG members will be solicited for advice and invited to join planning efforts for this future conference.
For more information, contact co-chairs Dan King at king.daniel@boston.va.gov or Lynda King at lking@world.std.com.
Spirituality and Trauma SIG
The Spirituality and Trauma SIG provides for discussion of spiritual issues that arise when working with victims of trauma. Researchers, clinicians, clergy and academicians within the SIG join in a collaborative diversity, exploring areas of interest including: research in client as well as caregiver issues; spiritual distress of clients and interventionists; defining essentials of spirituality in trauma work; ethical guidelines for the investigation of spiritual issues; creativity and spiritual well-being; forgiveness; spiritual issues of victims and perpetrators; symposia/preconference course development; curriculum development for the graduate level.
We invited colleagues to join us at the SIG meeting Saturday, December 8, at 1 p.m. in New Orleans. For more information, contact Molly Guzzino at mollyg@eudoramail.com.