Special Interest Groups

Internet and Technology SIG Tackles Online Treatment
The mission of the Internet and Technology (I&T) SIG is to find effective uses of new technology and the Internet relevant to traumatology and traumatologists. Among the important issues addressed by the SIG over the years are the role of the Internet in trauma assessment, services and support; Internet and technology-induced traumatic reactions; Internet-based information and technology transfer ethics and best practices; data and identity protection; and bridging the gap between researchers and practitioners through technology.

This SIG co-sponsors the Traumatic-Stress Forum (write Traumatic-Stress-Request@ LISTP.APA.ORG to join) and the Anxiety Disorders Forum
(write ANX-DISREQUEST@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU to join). Both are members of the InterPsych Consortium, Charles Figley, president. Contact cfigley@mailer.fsu.edu or visit the Web at http://mailer.fsu.edu/~cfigley/.

Research Methodology SIG to Present at Annual Meeting
The Research Methodology SIG sponsored a number of submissions for possible acceptance at the upcoming 17th annual meeting in New Orleans. One submission that has been placed on the program is a premeeting institute titled Contemporary Approaches to the Treatment of Missing or Incomplete Data, which will be presented by Daniel King, Lynda King and Peter Bachrach. This workshop will be taught at an introductory level and will feature demonstrations of computer software for missing data problems. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Research Methodology SIG, contact Dan King (king.daniel@boston.va.gov) or Lynda King (lking@world.std.com).

Human Rights SIG Addresses Training, Education, Advocacy
At the 2000 ISTSS annual meeting, participants in the Human Rights SIG made recommendations to address a wide range of human rights concerns, broadly categorized into the following issues:

Training and Education: Participants were particularly interested in finding ways to ensure that mental health trainees are educated about human rights and public policy, with an emphasis on developing a curriculum on mental health, trauma and human rights that could be integrated into a wide range of training programs.

Advocacy within ISTSS: There is a need for understanding the process by which ISTSS takes public stands on public policy advocacy issues and how to work within the organization to increase awareness of human rights concerns and activities.

Public Policy Advocacy: Many issues that receive considerable clinical and research attention are not always framed within a human rights context. Because our work is often clinically focused, it is easy to lose sight of the social, cultural and political contexts in which trauma occurs. Articulating the links between the traumatic effects of violations and the conditions that cause them is one way to play a role in prevention.

The Human Rights SIG has initiated a networking project to link mental health and human rights organization including the human rights committees of major professional mental health organizations. A listing of these links is available at www.nyu.edu/trauma.studies/frame_links.htm. For further information, contact Jack Saul at jmsaul@rcn.com or Carole Warshaw at clwarhaw@aol.com.

Dissociation SIG to Sponsor Session at Annual Meeting
As announced in the last issue of StressPoints, a new SIG for dissociation is forming this year. Those who have contacted us will be added to an e-mail list and will receive instant updates of activities and the meeting time and location at the conference in New Orleans. One of the Premeeting Institutes, "Phase-oriented Treatment of Complex PTSD: Theory, Therapy, and Research," will teach the theory of structural dissociation of the personality and treatment process, as well as discuss some of the newest dissociation research. Contact Kathy Steele at katsteele@mindspring.com for more information.

Gender and Trauma SIG to Sponsor Three Symposia
The Gender and Trauma SIG is sponsoring three symposia at the ISTSS 17th Annual Meeting - Gender Issues in PTSD Treatment: Focus on Cognitive Processing (chair: Rachel Kimmerling; discussant: Judith L. Herman); Everything You Wanted to Know about a Research Career but Were Afraid to Ask (chair: Karestan C. Koenen, co-sponsored with the Research and Student SIGs); Workshop on Retrospective Mea-surement of Combat Exposure (chair: Bruce P. Dohrenwend, co-sponsored with the Research SIG). If you would like to become a member of the Gender and Trauma SIG, you can subscribe to the listserv at istssgenderandtrauma@istsslist.org or contact Karestan Koenen at kck5@columbia.edu.

ISTSS Updates

Free Public Education Pamphlets
Single copies of the Public Education Committee's pamphlets can be ordered free through the PTSD Alliance as part of its information packet at 877/507-7873. Multiple copies of the pamphlets are available for a fee by contacting Marti Buckely at ISTSS headquarters: 877/469-7873 or mbuckely@ istss.org.

Journal of Traumatic Stress Needs Peer Reviewers
An essential part of the peer review process for a scientific journal such as the Journal of Traumatic Stress (JTS) includes the availability of a sufficient number of peer reviewers to provide feedback about manuscripts in a timely fashion. JTS is seeking to expand its roster of peer reviewers, and we urge you to volunteer. A peer reviewer provides feedback to the journal's editor about the scientific and technical merits of two to three manuscripts per year. If you are a graduate student, faculty member or clinician who is interested in helping with the JTS manuscript review process, contact Alice Libet, PhD, at the journal's editorial office. Phone 843/792-4237 or e-mail libet@musc.edu.