Election Results
Stuart Turner, MD, MA, FRCP, FRCPsych, has been voted president-elect in the 2006 ISTSS election. Turner's term as ISTSS president will begin at the 2007 annual meeting and continue through fall 2008. Turner is a consultant psychiatrist at Trauma Clinic in London, UK, and an honorary senior lecturer at University College in London.
As 2007-2008 ISTSS president, Turner plans to work to ensure that ISTSS remains the premier trauma-related organization in the world.
"I remember what I first loved about ISTSS was its capacity to bring together researchers and clinicians from diverse backgrounds, to achieve cross-fertilization of ideas, and to become engaged in important and relevant public policy areas," Turner said. "ISTSS was able to combine interests in, for example, basic science, psychological therapies and complex presentations. I would like to help ISTSS develop further the full breadth of its function as the leading international society in the trauma field."
The election also resulted in newly elected board members. Elected with three-year terms: John fairbank, PhD, Stevan Hobfoll, PhD, and Jean Beckham, PhD. Elected with a four-year term: Joop de Jong, MD, PhD.
SIG News
The Dissociation Special Interest Group has become officially inactive because the group was unable to identify new leaders. The ISTSS Executive Committee is eager to encourage reactivation of this SIG given the importance of understanding dissociation to the field of traumatic stress. Any ISTSS member with interest in restarting the group can obtain information and guidance from SIG Coordinator Leslie Morland.