Special Interest Groups
New Special Interest Group
The Terrorism and Bioterrorism Related Trauma SIG was formed to disseminate current information regarding terrorism and trauma (relevant to research, practice or policy). For more information, contact Ginny Sprang, chair, at sprang@uky.edu, or Jim Clark, co-chair, at jjclark00@uky.edu .
Gender and Trauma SIG
The Gender and Trauma SIG has teamed up with the ISTSS Student Section to enhance the opportunities available to student members of ISTSS. Together, we are trying to develop an informational session that will occur directly following a panel discussion on the application process.
This session would provide an informal opportunity for applicants to meet-and-greet with representatives from various programs. In the panel discussion, students will have the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of applying to various types of programs (e.g., graduate school, internship and postdoc) and afterwards meet representatives from participating institutions.
We are seeking contact from directors of training of internship and postdoctoral programs with a trauma focus that would be interested in having their program represented at the meet-and-greet portion of this session. If interested, please contact either Jillian Shipherd at Jillian.Shipherd@med.va.gov or Rita Samper at Rita.Samper@med.va.gov.
JTS Has New Publisher
John Wiley and Sons is the new publisher for the Journal of Traumatic Stress. Read information you’ll need for submitting articles on this Web site. (Make this a link to http://www.istss.org/publications/jts.htm)
en Español StressPoints
Sociedad Argentina de Psicotrauma (SAPsi) President Daniel L. Mosca, MD, will coordinate the Spanish translation of Traumatic StressPoints online. Watch the ISTSS Web site for the Spanish translation soon.