Member Benefits Include Journal Access Online

Any ISTSS member wishing to have online access to their affiliated Haworth journals can request it by e-mailing Lisa Clark at and noting which journal in the subject line. For example, the subject line of the e-mail should read: “ISTSS online access to (journal name).”

Available Haworth journals include Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, Journal of Emotional Abuse, Journal of Trauma Practice and Journal ofTrauma and Dissociation.

For more information on subscribing to the journals or receiving online access, visit the ISTSS Members Area.

In addition, ISTSS members have the ability to look at the Journal of Traumatic Stress via the Internet. From the ISTSS Members Area, click the link to visit the Wiley Interscience site, from which members can access not only a single year’s worth of journals but also every back issue dating back to the beginning of the Journal.

E-mail with any questions regarding access to the Journal ofTraumaticStress.

Military SIG Approved
On April 25, the ISTSS executive committee approved the creation of the proposed Military Special Interest Group. Cmdr. Beverly Ann Dexter, PhD, and Marinell Miller Mumford, PhD, will co-chair the SIG.

The new SIG is expeced to draft its mission statement in August, and hold its initial meeting at the ISTSS Annual Meeting in November. Goals for the initial meeting include developing a contact list of attendees at the SIG gathering, discussing overall SIG goals and objectives, amending the mission statement, and generating ideas for the year’s activities and next year’s Annual Meeting.

Long-term goals for the SIG include: 1) development of training programs, 2) informing policy decision makers on mental health issues affecting military members and their families, 3) enhancing collaborative mental health efforts to support military families, and 4) encouraging research on mental health issues related to military service.

For more information, visit the ISTSS SIGs page at

Traumatic Loss and Grief SIG News
A new Web page for the Traumatic Loss and Grief SIG has been added to the ISTSS Web site. Visit the SIGs page at and look for the link under the Traumatic Loss and Grief SIG section. Holly G. Prigerson, PhD, recently posted criteria for Complicated Grief proposed for DSM-V to the site. SIG members are invited to vote and comment on the criteria, and the methods and evidence used in their derivation.