Continuing education credit will be offered at the upcoming 18th annual meeting in Baltimore. CE credit for a wide variety of career fields will be available. (Some currently are in the process of being approved.)
Before arriving at the conference, know the type of certificate you'll need, as you will have to specify which one you prefer. Attendees coming from countries other than the United States should check with their licensing agencies in advance to determine if the U.S. continuing education certificates will be recognized in their countries.
Physicians and psychologists should use the continuing education credit from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. The Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center designates this educational activity for up to 23.75 hours of Category I credit toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those hours of credit that he or she actually spends in the educational activity.
In addition, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies is recognized by the National Board for Certified Counselors to offer continuing education for national certified counselors. ISTSS adheres to NBCC Continuing Education Guidelines.
Moreover, this annual meeting meets the qualifications for 23.75 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs and/or LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
ISTSS also will submit an application to the National Association for Social Workers so that social workers may receive continuing education credit.
Last, an application has been made to the Texas Nurses Association for nursing contact hours.
Any annual meeting attendee can apply for a continuing education certificate for a fee of $35. Credit is granted only for sessions attended, not including poster and media sessions. To register for this service, check the appropriate box on the annual meeting registration form or register and pay on site. You may not register for credits after November 10, 2002. Refunds for continuing education certificates are not available.
Don't forget to stop by the continuing education booth on site to pick up the evaluation form to receive credit. Evaluation forms are required to comply with continuing education accrediting agency guidelines and regulations.
For more information, contact Nicki Patti, ISTSS education manager, at 847/480-9028 ext. 214, or e-mail