ISTSS offers travel grants to support conference attendees coming from developing countries and experiencing financial hardship with fees or travel costs. These grants usually are made from member donations accompanying annual membership fees. This year the president and other board members are leading the effort in making personal donations to increase the relatively modest sums currently available.

You may make a donation in one of three ways: use the secure online form at; send a check to ISTSS headquarters at 60 Revere Drive, Suite 500, Northbrook, IL 60062 USA; or fax your Visa, MasterCard or AmEx number, expiration date and name on card to 847/480-9282. Please indicate clearly that you want this money used solely for the Travel Grants Fund.

You also are invited to apply for a travel grant or submit names of others who qualify. The closing date for submitting is September 1. Please contact ISTSS headquarters at 847/480-9028 for a form, or download the form online.