ISTSS would like to extend thanks to Edward Varra, PhD, whose tenure as editor of Traumatic StressPoints draws to a close with this issue. Varra began his term as co-editor with the Winter 2002 issue (Vol. 16, No. 1), before becoming sole editor with the Fall issue of that year (Vol. 16, No. 4).

Varra's leadership came at a time of growth and change for both the newsletter and the society. Over the past five years, he has overseen countless article submissions from leaders in the traumatic stress field, helping provide an immeasurable contribution to the community.

During his tenure, Varra championed student involvement in the newsletter. Recognizing the importance of recruiting young members to ISTSS, he solicited students to write StressPoints articles and encouraged them to join the organization.  Varra's leadership was also characterized by his emphasis on the international aspect of the society in the newsletter.

In 2006, Varra helped shepherd the transition of StressPoints to an online, bi-monthly format, providing invaluable support and patience. He now turns over the reins to incoming full-time editor Anne DePrince, PhD, who served as co-editor for the past three issues.