"Reaching underserved trauma survivors through community-based programs" is the theme of the 2001 ISTSS 17th Annual Meeting, December 6-9, in New Orleans. Underserved trauma survivors are those who do not receive adequate or appropriate services because of limited financial resources, limited service availability, language or other cultural barriers, discrimination or social exclusion, geographic barriers or lack of awareness of available services.

Community-based programs address trauma survivors' physical survival, general health, mental health, and economic and social needs in the places where they live and work. These programs deliver trauma-related prevention and intervention efforts in schools, health-care and social-service settings, the courts, neighborhoods, religious settings, villages and people's homes. These activities are provided by emergency- service and rescue workers, health and mental-health professionals, law-enforcement officers and legal professionals, teachers, advocacy organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), clergy, the media and volunteers.

Presentations may take the form of: posters, symposia, workshops, case studies, panel discussions, pre-meeting institutes and media/theater. Each presentation within a proposal requires an abstract.

The ISTSS 2001 annual meeting will focus on reaching underserved trauma survivors through community-based programs, with the primary aim of featuring and encouraging collaborations at all levels. This effort will further our scientific and applied knowledge toward the goals of preventing and reducing exposure to traumatic experiences and of improving the lives of trauma survivors worldwide. Proposal deadline is March 15. Click here for submission instructions.

For more information, email Mary Ann Dutton, ISTSS 17th Annual Meeting Program chair at: mad27@georgetown.edu.