ISTSS Board Member, Josef I. Ruzek, PhD, has been asked to join the Disaster Mental Health Subcommittee under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) Federal Advisory Committee as an ISTSS nominee.

The 2007 ISTSS conference in Baltimore included an exhibit by local artist Diane Plappert.

ISTSS Past-President and Editor of JTS Paula Schnurr, PhD, received the 3rd annual Ladies Home Journal "Health Breakthrough Award" for her work with PTSD and women veterans. She is currently the deputy executive director for VA's National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Dr. Schnurr is one of four doctors and researchers featured in the August 2008 issue of the Ladies Home Journal, the fifth largest magazine in the country, with more than 13 million subscribers. They were chosen following a search of more than 80 medical organizations, medical schools, teaching hospitals, universities and government agencies.