Ann Jennings arranged the exhibit of her daughter Anna's artwork and writings at the ISTSS Annual Meeting in Montreal. A white three-ring looseleaf binder, containing a report of evidence of abuse at Philadelphia State Hospital, along with some letters, writings and a newsletter, may have been mistakenly picked up from her exhibit table. Some of the contents are the only existing originals. If you know of the binders' location, please contact Ann Jennings at (work) 207/287-4207; (home) 207/395-2492; or via e-mail,

Lost Item at ISTSS Annual Meeting

In fall balloting, ISTSS members voted on a new president-elect and filled five other board positions. The president-elect is Alexander (Sandy) McFarlane, University of Adelaide, Australia, who will serve on the board for three more years as president-elect (1998), president (1999) and past president (2000). Newly elected board members are Patricia Resick of the University of Missouri at St. Louis and Heidi Resnick of the Medical University of the Medical University of South Carolina.

Re-elected to the board are Bessel van der Kolk of the Boston University School of Medicine, Susan Roth of Duke University and Tom Lundin of Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden.

Many thanks to all candidates who participated in the 1997­1998 elections. The nominating committee is chaired by the immediate past president. This year's chair was Matthew Friedman of the National Center for PTSD. Terence Keane will chair the next committee, which will be responsible for nominating candidates for the 1998-1999 elections. For more information on ISTSS elections, see