I was honored to receive a 2014 ISTSS Travel Grant that allowed me to achieve more development and advancement of understanding of different methodologies and concepts to improve the decision-making processes and to make better use of health care resources in Ukraine.
I would like to thank the organizers for a well-organized and informative meeting in Miami, FL USA. The keynote addresses and concurrent sessions were educative for researchers and practical physicians.
Once again, I am thankful to have received the ISTSS Travel Grant, which made it possible for me to attend my first ISTSS Annual Meeting and present my research paper. I had the opportunity to discuss my research findings with other attendees and network for future partnerships as well. The meeting also provided the opportunity to discuss my research career and personal development plans with experts in academia and the healthcare industry. I was very interested in all of the meeting topics. The panels, symposiums and presentations I attended broadened my research knowledge and analytical skills. My favorites included:
Psychotherapies for Trauma-Related Disorders: What Do They Have in Common? Aging, Trauma, and the Life Course: Implications of Childhood Trauma Exposure Across the Life Span PTSD, Depression and Functional Outcomes among Military Personnel, Veterans and Their Family Symposium: Treatments, Trials and Tribulations: Implementing Primary Care-Based Traumatic Stress Services in the MilitaryPaper Session: Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress and Primary Care.
I now have a better and deeper understanding of which areas I should focus on in my professional development. Some of the most important information I learned was in the field of systematic literature review. I hope that I will be able to apply this new knowledge soon. At the meeting, I also had a chance to interact and interchange scientific knowledge with renowned scholars, researchers, students, and exhibitors. The interaction with them will enahnce my research capacity and improve my networking abroad.
I plan to promote education and encourage research in the field of traumatic stress and explore ways to participate in health care decision making in Ukraine. We are working now on many initiatives that will hopefully change the decision making process in our country to a better era.
About the Author
Olenksii Korzh, is an Associate Professor of the Department of General Practice/Family Medicine at Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, and a member of ISTSS.