Dean Kilpatrick, PhD, has been voted president-elect in the 2004 ISTSS elections. Kilpatrick, whose term as ISTSS president will begin at the 2005 annual meeting and continue through fall 2006, is professor of clinical psychology and director of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center in the Department of Psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. He also is director of the Charleston Consortium Clinical Psychology Internship Program. Kilpatrick, who currently serves as editor of the Journal of Traumatic Stress, will relinquish that position to current ISTSS President Paula Schnurr.

Kilpatrick spoke of goals for his term: “I believe ISTSS should be firmly grounded in science and should disseminate user-friendly information based on the best science. I place high priority on meeting the needs of our diverse membership, and I will continue efforts to increase involvement in ISTSS from traumatic stress professionals worldwide. Also I will attempt to expand our public education efforts,” Kilpatrick says.  

The election also resulted in new board members: Mark Creamer, PhD; Nancy Kassam-Adams, PhD; Harold Kudler, MD; and Rachel Yehuda, PhD. Kudler and Yehuda have served previously on the ISTSS board and are happy to return. Also, Kathy Steele, RN, MN,CS, was re-elected for another term.