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Child Trauma SIG


The Child Trauma special interest group is a member forum for individuals with an interest in the field of childhood trauma. Our members are diverse, both in terms of individual interest area as well as professional modality. Informal surveys indicate our members work in a range of settings, including private practice, universities, clinics, hospitals, and research laboratories. Group members' interests are broad, and range from chronic/complex childhood trauma to acute injury and incidents.

The SIG offers a forum for ISTSS members, associates, and affiliates to discuss issues related to prevention, assessment, intervention, research, and policy effecting children and families who have been impacted by trauma. We have an active electronic listserv, which is utilized for member discussion, networking, information exchange, posting of conference/position announcements, and collaboration on projects. A particular goal for the SIG is continued representation of childhood trauma within the broader ISTSS society. In the past, this has been addressed through collaboration on conference proposals, enhancing member access to information about child-related programming, and endorsement of high-quality child- and family-related presentations.


Naser Ahmadi, MD, PhD

Child Trauma SIG Listserv Address

Members of the Child Trauma SIG can use the SIG listserv to share information with the full SIG. 

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