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Racial Trauma SIG

The focus of the Racial Trauma SIG is on the development of a network of professionals interested in examining the psychological impact of chronic exposure to racism and discrimination experienced by Black, Indigenous, People of color, including race-based traumatic stress, as well as intergenerational and collective trauma. The group will foster global connections and collaborations among SIG members and contribute to learning for the larger ISTSS community.

First, the group intends to honor and hold space for connection across interdisciplinary researchers and clinicians encountering and engaging in work related to racial trauma in various settings. Second, the SIG will allow professionals spanning a wide career trajectory from early trainees to subject matter experts to collaborate and learn from one another. Third, the Racial Trauma SIG will provide opportunities for ISTSS attendees who are unfamiliar with racial trauma to learn more about emerging research and its implications for other areas of study in the field of traumatic stress.  


Sierra E. Carter, PhD. 
Georgia State University

Joyce P. Yang, Ph.D.
University of San Francisco


Racial Trauma SIG Listserv Address

Members of the Racial Trauma SIG can use the SIG listserv to share information with the full SIG. istss-racialtrauma-sig@groups.istss.org

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