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Trauma in Higher Education and Training SIG


The primary goal of the Trauma in Higher Education and Training SIG is to advance the pedagogical science of infusing trauma-informed education into higher education programs. This SIG will focus on enhancing current trauma curriculum within higher education programs as well as support members to develop courses, progressions, and entire curricula that are trauma-infused. This includes infusing trauma and stress concepts into core educational courses within programs. The SIG will not only focus on curricula development but developing resources for members to be able to better set the stage for trauma education and the impact it potentially has on students.


Although the pervasive nature of trauma exposure is widely acknowledged and studied, there is a lack of focus on trauma education nationally outside of single (or multiple) courses being added to current higher education training programs. Few programs ensure that trauma and stress are incorporated into the core education (i.e., Psychopathology, Human Development). Today, more than ever, the incoming workforce needs to be prepared to support trauma exposed individuals and communities, typical training programs may not provide the requisite skills for the incoming workforce who typically gain the necessary skills from post-graduate training programs. Additionally, while there is a focus on self-care in higher education programs, there is a lack of attention given to how engaging in trauma education may take a toll on students.

Specific Aims

  1. Encourage pedagogical science advancement efforts relevant to trauma education embedded within higher education training programs.
  2. Develop generalizable syllabi for members to utilize in the development of courses.

Develop and disseminate trauma-infused educational resources to support faculty in developing and infusing trauma education into existing as well as future programming. 


Stephen DiDonato, PhD, LPC, NCC

Thomas Jefferson University


Bianca Harper DSW, LCSW

Trauma in Higher Education and Training SIG Listserv Address

Members of the Trauma in Higher Education and Training SIG can use the SIG listserv to share information with the full SIG.


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