Elana Newman, PhD, has been voted president-elect in the 2005 ISTSS election. Newman, whose term as ISTSS president will begin at the 2006 annual meeting and continue through fall 2007, is associate professor of psychology at the University of Tulsa.

As 2006–07 ISTSS president, Newman says she plans to continue to build upon ISTSS success in maintaining its relevance to a diverse set of professionals united by a commitment to understand and ameliorate the ill effects of traumatic stressors. “I will encourage ISTSS to continue its current goals to be pertinent to multiple groups of professionals and paraprofessionals across different continents, serving vastly different survivor groups, and operating within different disciplinary and theoretical frames of reference.”

Specifically, Newman says that during her term she hopes to grow membership, expand membership services and develop new ways of meeting members’ needs, while also attending to the society’s financial health. She would like to determine a method for developing future leaders of the field and focus on student needs. In addition, while maintaining the society’s scientific strength, “ISTSS needs to continue to explore how to advocate for the field in ways that unite in the commitment to prevent or ameliorate the ill effects of trauma consistent with evidence,” she says. “I look forward to the input and energies of members in all of these activities.”

The election also resulted in new and re-elected board members. Newly elected with three-year terms: Danny Kaloupek, PhD (served two previous terms); Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH; Andreas Maercker, MD, PhD; Josef Ruzek, PhD; and Lori Zoellner, PhD.

Re-elected with four-year terms: Richard Bryant, PhD; and Marylene Cloitre, PhD; re-elected with a three-year term: Ulrich Schnyder, MD.

Retiring board members: Paula Schnurr, PhD, past president; Eve Carlson, PhD; Constance Dalenberg, PhD; Mary Ann Dutton, PhD; and Merle Friedman, PhD.