Policy and Prevention Interest Area Group Formed
The Policy and Prevention Interest Area Group formed to foster discussion about policy issues, policy activism and prevention programming as it relates to trauma and traumatic stress. As the field of trauma develops, the policy and prevention issues become clearer, and researchers and clinicians are uniquely positioned to proactively identify and address growing concerns and issues in the field. But as an international interdisciplinary organization this is not a small task.
Chairperson Joseph Rudolph hopes to accomplish three broad goals through the interest group. First, he wants to encourage the submission of policy and prevention presentation at ISTSS conferences. Secondly, he plans to facilitate on-going policy and prevention dialogue between meetings, and finally, provide a space for multi-disciplinary discussion about effective policy analysis, policy development and prevention programming.
The group will meet in November at the ISTSS 15th Annual Meeting in Miami. If you are interested in participating or have suggestions or comments, please contact Joe Rudolph by e-mail at: jmrudolp@unity.ncsu.edu.
First Class of DART Fellows Joins ISTSS in Miami
Six accomplished journalists received an historic invitation to use the ISTSS 15th Annual Meeting Nov. 14-17 in Miami, to enrich their understanding of trauma science and its implications for newsgathering.
The 1999 Dart Fellows are Chris Bull, a Washington, D.C., author and magazine freelancer; Gabrielle Crist, criminal courts reporter for The Fort Worth Star-Telegram; David Handschuh, New York Daily News photographer; Arlene Levinson, New York-based national writer for The Associated Press; Frank Smyth, a Washington, D.C., freelance journalist who writes mainly about foreign affairs and has reported on wars in many countries; and Deirdre Stoelzle, reporter and assistant city editor of the Casper (WY) Star-Tribune.
The first class of Dart Fellows, chosen in July, will attend a seminar, Nov. 13-14, then have full access to the ISTSS conference. The seminar, the first project of the Interest Group on Journalism and Trauma formed at the 1998 ISTSS Annual Meeting, is funded by a grant from the Dart Foundation, at Michigan State University, with the formal support of ISTSS.
The Fellows were chosen in a national competition based on their commitment to studying emotional trauma and their personal achievements. The selection committee included Frank Ochberg, MD, East Lansing; Elana Newman, PhD, of the University of Tulsa; Bruce Shapiro, contributing writer for The Nation magazine, and Roger Simpson, PhD, director of the Journalism and Trauma Program at the University of Washington. The seminar committee also includes Sandra Bloom, MD, past ISTSS president, and Laurie Anne Pearlman, PhD.
For Interest Group information contact Roger Simpson, University of Washington, 206/543-0405 or newsboy@u.washington.edu.