Several hundred trauma professionals gathered in Talca, Chile for two days in mid-December 2014 for the Primera Jornada Internacional de Trauma Psíquico (First International Conference on Psychological Trauma) in Chile.

Hosted by the University of Talca and with the collaboration of ISTSS, the conference brought together traumatic stress researchers and clinicians from all over Chile for a rich program of scientific and clinical presentations. Thanks to a dedicated organizing committee, the diversity and quality of presentations and discussion was truly impressive. Symposia included presentations on intergenerational trauma, trauma in emergencies and disasters, the interface between trauma exposure and depression, intercultural aspects of trauma and more.

The meeting also saw the birth of a new traumatic stress society. The Asociación Chilena del Estrés Traumático (ACETRA) was formed by a core group of about 50 professionals present at the International Conference. Those gathered at this formative meeting expressed their strong commitment and enthusiasm to build a strong and diverse association to be a resource for sharing ideas among trauma professionals from all parts of Chile, and to engage with international colleagues around the world.

ISTSS President Miranda Olff and I were honored to be part of this wonderful gathering. We look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration and interchange between ISTSS and our Chilean colleagues.