The ISTSS Public Education Committee proudly announces the printing of six new public education pamphlets. Pamphlets now in print for consumers are:

  • "Natural Disasters and Trauma"
  • "When a Friend or Loved One Has Been Traumatized"
  • "Children and Trauma"
  • "Sudden Traumatic Loss"
  • "What Is ISTSS?"
  • "What Is Traumatic Stress?"

And available for providers is "Indirect Trauma."

Pamphlets scheduled for printing soon are "Substance Abuse and Trauma," "Relationships and Traumatic Stress," "Traumatic Stress and the Primary Care Physician," "Physical Health and Trauma" and "Domestic Violence." Topics currently under consideration for additional pamphlets include refugee and immigrant populations, self injury and physiology of traumatic stress. These pamphlets provide a valuable introduction to important trauma-related issues for clients, research participants, other professionals and the public at large.

Pamphlets may be ordered for $12.50 per packet of 25 by contacting Marti Buckely at ISTSS headquarters: Pamphlets will be available soon through the ISTSS Web site:

In addition, a packet of educational materials is available through the PTSD Alliance to anyone who is interested in posttraumatic stress disorder. Simply call 1-877-577-PTSD and ask to receive the information packet. The packet includes the ISTSS consumer information pamphlet on traumatic memory, "Remembering Childhood Trauma," as well as the new public education pamphlets. Information in the packet is appropriate for consumers and professionals, including physicians and other nonmental-health specialists.