This year, the University of Louisville will award the first annual Grawemeyer Award in Psychology for scientific excellence. Nominations are sought for individuals or groups who have made a specific scientific achievement within the field of pschology.

The nomination letter must detail the reasons why the entry merits the award. Published works, conference presentations, technological advances, software, or other publicly disseminated scholarship will be considered. Nominations will be judged based on creativity, originality, scientific merit and scope of potential applicability in the field. Upon nomination by another, nominees will be notified and asked to submit more materials. Awards are $200,000; acceptance of the award requires personal delivery of a public address and participation in university and community activities associated with the award ceremonies.

Nov. 1, nomination letter
Dec. 1, supporting material

For more information, contact Director, Psychology Grawemeyer Committee, Department of Psychology and Brain Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 USA
tel, 502/852-6775; fax 502/852-8904