desola-lanre-ologun-IgUR1iX0mqM-unsplash-(1).jpgThe Public Information and Education (PIE) committee regularly releases new informational and educational products for our ISTSS members and the broader public. 

Conversation and Consultation is a member-only perk akin to a virtual coffee and chat where ISTSS experts informally answer questions about a professional development topic.

Since our last update, our committee has released the following products on important and timely topics:

New products in 2024 will include:

  • Several Friday Fast Facts series, including series focused on intimate partner and sexual violence, moral injury, and incarceration.
  • Webinars focused on medication-assisted and digital health interventions for PTSD.
  • Conversation and Consultation on Developing Collaborations and Working with International Collaborators with Drs. Norah Feeny and Mumin Egeh 

Please check the ISTSS Home Page regularly for newly-released PIE content!