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Voting-box.jpgThe ISTSS Nominations and Elections Committee, chaired by Board Member and Immediate Past ‎President Ananda Amstadter, PhD, has nominated the individuals listed below.‎
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Nominees for President-Elect (electing one; nominees are listed in alphabetical order):‎

  • Andrea Phelps, M. Psych (Clinical), PhD*‎
  • Soraya Seedat, MD, PhD

‎*Current Board Member running for President-Elect
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Nominees for Board Members (electing six; nominees are listed in alphabetical order):‎

  • Judith Bass, PhD, MPH
  • Damion Grasso, PhD
  • Jinhee Hyun, PhD**‎
  • Evaldas Kazlauskas, PhD
  • Andrea Phelps, M. Psych (Clinical), PhD**‎
  • Arik Shalev, MD
  • Brian Smith, PhD**‎
  • Jennifer Sumner, PhD
  • Jennifer Wild, PhD**‎

‎**Current Board Member running for re-election
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Note: With the exception of the President, individuals are limited to two consecutive terms on the ‎Board. This year, ISTSS Regular Members will elect six Board Members to serve three-year terms ‎beginning November 2023. ISTSS Regular Members will also elect a President-Elect who will ‎assume the Office of President in November 2024.‎