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Implementation Patterns of Two Evidence‐Based Psychotherapies in Veterans Affairs Residential PTSD Programs: A Five‐Point Longitudinal National Investigation – Joan M. Cook, Ph.D., Vanessa Simiola, Psy.D.

Starting in 2006, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) invested significant resources to provide their mental health workforce with training, supervision, staffing and implementation support for two evidence-based psychotherapies (EBPs) for posttraumatic...

Enhancing Social Support May Improve Cognitive Processing Therapy Outcomes in Telemedicine for PTSD – Sarah B. Campbell, PhD

As we work to sustain and tailor our mental health services during the era of COVID-19 and think ahead to future clinical needs, clinicians are increasingly transitioning their care to telehealth modalities. This format has the benefit of reaching the greatest number...

Military Matters: The Mental Health and Service Utilization Among Reserve and National Guard Forces Study: A Summary of Key Findings – Jing Wang, PhD, and James C. West, MD

The reserve component of the United States military plays an important role in national defense, accounting for approximately 40% of deployed forces in recent conflicts (Tanielian & Jaycox, 2008). Currently, the reserves represent 53% of the total Army population,...

Trauma and Diversity: Moral Injury Among Justice-Involved Veterans: An Understudied Clinical Concern – W. Blake Martin, Ryan Holliday and James P. LePage

While the concept of moral injury has existed for years, moral injury has received increased empirical attention over the past decade. Many definitions of moral injury exist; however, one of the most commonly used is by Litz and colleagues (2009) who define moral...

How to Predict and Mitigate Risk of Evacuation of US Service Members from Deployed Settings for Behavioral Health Reasons – Mary Thornquist, PhD, James Leonard, MPH, Melissa Fraine, MPH, Christopher Loftis, PhD, & John Davison, MBA, PhD

Acute behavioral health crises are one of the leading causes of medical evacuation from combat operations for American service members (Williams, Stahlman, & Oh, 2017), and evacuees with psychiatric disorders are less likely to return to duty (Cohen, et al.,...

Death Notification: Challenges for Health Care Providers and Other Professionals – Stephen J. Cozza, M.D., Rafael F. Zuleta, B.S., Brian W. Flynn, Ed.D.

Although the phrase, death is a part of life, is commonly stated, discussions about death and informing those who are impacted by it remain uncomfortable topics for professionals. How do we tell someone that a death has occurred, especially when it is sudden and...