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Student Perspectives: Graduating and Interning During COVID-19: What Does the ‎Next Generation of Clinicians Need to Take on This Challenge?‎ – Josianne Lamothe and Marine Tessier

With the rapid rollout of safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19 worldwide, the world can breathe easier. Unfortunately, as this global threat is receding, its impact on mental health is becoming increasingly apparent. The problem is such that some experts speak...

Student Perspectives: Student Therapists’ Perspectives on Termination with Clients with Complex Trauma – Olivia Carelli, MS, and Tiana Skawinski, LMSW, MS

For many doctoral-level training programs, psychology trainees are limited to one year or less of therapeutic work with clients per clinical practicum rotation. This can be difficult for both students and clients alike, as transferring clients is not always clinically...

Student Perspectives: Anger in Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: What Are the Consequences and What Treatments Can Be Offered? – Marine Tessier M.Ps., PhD(c) and Josianne Lamothe, MSW, PhD(c)

During the World War II, researchers observed high levels of anger associated with exposure to traumatic events among soldiers presenting with what was then called “combat neurosis” (Grinker & Spielgel, 1945 in Morland et al., 2012). More recently,...

Student Perspectives: How to Care for Someone Who Recently Experienced A Traumatic Event: The Five Core Principles for Early Posttraumatic Interventions, According to Hobfoll and Colleagues – Marine Tessier, PhD(c) and Josianne Lamothe, MSW, PhD(c)

According global epidemiology surveys, 70% of individuals will experience a traumatic event at some point during their lifetime. Unfortunately, exposure to a traumatic event such as a physical assault or a natural disaster either directly or as a witness can lead to...