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We are thrilled to announce an exciting expansion of the ISTSS Global Travel Award Program, a critical program that provides financial support to traumatic stress professionals from around the world who would not otherwise be able to attend the ISTSS Annual Meeting. Every year, we have to turn down many qualified applicants.

However, thanks to the generosity of two ISTSS members and Ellen Frey Wouters’ estate, the ISTSS Board has established a Global Travel Award Endowment in the amount of $60,000. Earnings from the endowment fund will be used to make awards each year.

Now, we have a unique opportunity to increase our Global Travel Award Endowment. Every dollar given before December 31, 2019 up to $20,000 will be matched by our generous donors!

Our goal is to raise $20,000 in member gifts--and increase our endowment by $40,000! Every member of the ISTSS Board of Directors has contributed – now it’s your turn.

Please make a gift of any amount, and make a difference today.

Julian Ford, President

P.S. Donations to ISTSS may be tax-deductible; consult your tax advisor. Donations to the endowment fund will be matched only until December 31, 2019, so please make your gift today, and welcome colleagues from all around the world to join with us!